bravobit / FFmpeg-Android

FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android
MIT License
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error=13, Permission denied in Android Q 10 #168

Open khushalvaghasiya opened 3 years ago

khushalvaghasiya commented 3 years ago

Caused by: error=13, Permission denied Cannot run program "/data/user/0/": error=13, Permission denied

hamaianh commented 3 years ago

me too, plz help me check it?

BilalAsif25 commented 3 years ago

Check this pull by scmfaria, as its fixed the error library is working fine with android 29, but i am not sure about its working on play store 64 bit requirements if anyone check this up will be a great help!

Yousaf128 commented 3 years ago

i have face this issue but in my case the issue was in command. i was using wrong command for video speed up and slow motion after placing this command issue was resolved: "-i", videoInputPath, "-filter:v", "setpts=0.25*PTS", VideoOutPutPath you can cahnge setpts(set presentation time stamp) as per your requirments.

L30D3V commented 3 years ago

I'm also having this problem. Does anyone have a solution, even if it's a workaround? @BilalAsif25 is there a way to use this fix already?

Yousaf128 commented 3 years ago

@L30D3V which command do you have running at this scenario. can you show your command please?

L30D3V commented 3 years ago

arrayOf("-i", videoPath, "-r", "10", "-qscale:v", "${configuration.jpegCompression}", "${fileDir.absolutePath}/frames_%03d.jpg")

I'm extracting image frames from a video. The variable videoPath is from a video either selected from a user dialog or a video recorded with the camera. All the data is being saved inside my own app storage, so it shouldn't have any permission problems, but I still requested WRITE_STORAGE and READ_STORAGE permissions.

On my tests, I also added android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" even though I rather not use it on production.

walidatef commented 3 years ago

Did you found a solution ?

walidatef commented 3 years ago

not use it on pro

Did you find a solution?

VineshChauhan24 commented 3 years ago

bravobit/FFmpeg-Android-- this library support only build verstion upto 28 , this will be working fine when your sdk version is 28. try below answer

Piyushkapadia31 commented 3 years ago

Bug Fixes : Permission denied in Android Q 1

Try This : implementation 'com.github.Piyushkapadia31:FFmpeg:1.0.0'