bravobit / FFmpeg-Android

FFMpeg/FFprobe compiled for Android
MIT License
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How to exclude both ffprobe and arm/ffmpeg? #21

Closed Aditya94A closed 6 years ago

Aditya94A commented 6 years ago

This would cut my debug build apk sizes in half. I don't use ffprobe at all, so I don't want it in the debug builds and I dev mostly on emulator so no point in shipping arm binary.

I've tried the following

            ignoreAssetsPattern "!ffprobe:!arm"

And it doesn't work, but

            ignoreAssetsPattern "!ffprobe"


            ignoreAssetsPattern "!arm"

do work individually. But what I want is only ffmpeg in x86, any ideas?

Brianvdb commented 6 years ago
aaptOptions {
     ignoreAssetsPattern "!ffprobe:!arm:"

This seems to work fine for me. When I build an APK the size is just 10mb.

Aditya94A commented 6 years ago

Omg, I tried literally every permutation I could think of except adding a colon at the end. There's literally no syntax/documentation for this anywhere.


Thank you.