bravoserver / bravo

UNMAINTAINED: Reverse-engineered Minecraft stuff. Worked with 1.4.x protocol
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Hooks #388

Open justinnoah opened 11 years ago

justinnoah commented 11 years ago

AFAIK hooks such as snow need to be enabled before they're used. Well, as you can see: snow is being created. Maybe the season 'winter' has something to do with it? But why is the initial area not snowed on and the rest is?

Here is my config (and yes, this is a 'fresh'/'new' world):

For an excellent overview of what is possible here please take a

losk at:

[bravo] ampoule = no fancy_console = false

[world bravo] interfaces = tcp:25565 limitConnections = 0 limitPerIP = 0 url = file://C:/Documents and Settings/Gamer/Application Data/bravo/world mode = creative seasons = winter, spring serializer = anvil authenticator = offline perm_cache = 3

packs works, but it is excruciatingly slow currently

packs = beta

generators = simplex, grass, beaches, watertable, erosion


interfaces = tcp:8080