bravoserver / bravo

UNMAINTAINED: Reverse-engineered Minecraft stuff. Worked with 1.4.x protocol
205 stars 45 forks source link

Code made pep8-complaint. #424

Closed JeppeKlitgaard closed 11 years ago

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago


Right off the bat I would like to apologize for the numerous mistakes I've probably made in the pull-request part of this pull-request. It is my first, you see =)

I've done a bit of work on bravo, which sums up to:

MostAwesomeDude commented 11 years ago

Hi! Thanks for contributing to Bravo.

Out of curiosity, why would we want all of the source code to be executable? Nothing in the main library has main functions or anything like that, and I'm not sure what's gained by doing this.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

If I'm quite honest, I don't really know, just seems more consistent to me, also most python editors seem to automatically make files executable (At least mine does, _spyder_), so for future commiters it might be nice.

I completely understand if you don't want the code PEP8'd/chmod'd, and I'd be fine with you turning down this pull-request, if you don't like it.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Started refraction.


JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

A few noob-mistakes, will work in seperate branch now :S

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Removed support or InfiniCraft, if someone wants it reintroduced, do it as a third-party module/plugin. Again, this was done to simplify/minify/remove redundancies.

MostAwesomeDude commented 11 years ago

This is far too much stuff for this single pull request. I can (and probably will) pull in a couple pieces, but this is too much. Also please don't ask me to pull things that are broken, like 5f571bb; clean up your commits.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Sorry, A bit of a newb with all this stuff, it seems when I push to my fork, it automatically gets put into this pull request etc, Thanks for your feedback tho! =)

Quick question, what is the config_name in under BetaProxyProtocol, used for?

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Again, I did not mean for all this stuff to be put into one pull request, but it's getting automatically put here. Sorry about that.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

@MostAwesomeDude @TkTech I think I'll start over, hopefully I've learnt stuff from my numerous mistakes, sorry you had to witness it. And thanks once more for the feedback

edunham commented 11 years ago

@dkkline Looks like it's a "feature" that pull requests auto-add all ensuing commits. GH help says "Pull requests can be sent from any branch or commit but it's recommended that a topic branch be used so that follow-up commits can be pushed to update the pull request if necessary."

The fix is to make each pull request's changes in a separate branch.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Closed since I made just about a gazzillion mistakes, sorry for the bother.

Will make new pull-request, hopefully this one will be slightly more successful. Once again, sorry!

edunham commented 11 years ago

Don't apologize; everybody starts somewhere and you've learned a lot from this pull request. Thank you for working on Bravo!

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

Made a new pull-request here: New pull. I implemented the stuff from this pull-request, properly this time.