bravoserver / bravo

UNMAINTAINED: Reverse-engineered Minecraft stuff. Worked with 1.4.x protocol
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Authentication with #425

Open JeppeKlitgaard opened 11 years ago

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

It should be relatively easy to implement a mode, like vanilla, with Online mode and Offline mode.

Online mode:

Authenticate, just like any other MC server, with _minecraft.net_.

Offline mode:

Make no attempt to authenticate, like it is currently

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

No promises, but I might work on this, although be warned, I am absolutely horrible with twisted-stuffs

MostAwesomeDude commented 11 years ago

No worries. Don't feel obligated to work on things. Just do things when you can, and ask us if you need help with stuff.

JeppeKlitgaard commented 11 years ago

I might bug you to help me wrap my head around things, when jumping into a new project, things can be a bit hard to comprehend at first.