bravoserver / bravo

UNMAINTAINED: Reverse-engineered Minecraft stuff. Worked with 1.4.x protocol
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I got Bravo working in OSX, but unable to connect to the server. #448

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

So, I got Bravo to work on OSX super-easily.

  1. Download everything from github
  2. cd to the installation folder (which was bravo-master on my desktop, from a zip file)
  3. Run "sudo python install"
  4. Run "twistd -n bravo" And then it created a world and all that jazz. However, when I try to connect to the server, it says "logging in" and then I get a connection timeout. What the console says when I try to connect with localhost:

2014-02-22 12:09:53-0800 [bravo.beta.factory.BravoFactory] Starting connection for IPv4Address(TCP, '', 52230) 2014-02-22 12:09:53-0800 [bravo.beta.factory.BravoFactory] Registered entity <bravo.beta.protocol.BravoProtocol object at 0x1994b10> 2014-02-22 12:09:53-0800 [bravo.beta.factory.BravoFactory] Registering client hooks... 2014-02-22 12:09:53-0800 [bravo.beta.factory.BravoFactory] Registering policies... 2014-02-22 12:09:53-0800 [bravo.beta.factory.BravoFactory] Registered client plugin hooks! 2014-02-22 12:10:23-0800 [-] Error: 'Connection timed out'

However, I can go to the web app just fine (I connected to it with localhost:8080).

Why does this happen?

edunham commented 10 years ago

This happens because you're probably using the latest Minecraft client, and Bravo most recently worked somwehere around 1.4 (from the changelog at bravo 2.0: "The 1.4.x protocol is now supported, without server-side encryption.")

In the Minecraft launcher, go to "edit profile" in the lower left, then in the "use version" dropdown pick 1.4.2. I make no promises as to whether this will fix anything, but it might help.