brayden-dowson / Deathmatch

Deathmatch game mode using Northwood Plugin API
8 stars 3 forks source link

Voice chat override #5

Closed brayden-dowson closed 1 year ago

brayden-dowson commented 1 year ago

removed radios and replaced it by allowing players to talk in global voice chat by default and use the alt key to switch between global and proximity fixed bug when killstreak upgrades armor it would delete the excess guns/items keycards are now removed when firing weapon/using item but players can still unlock gates and checkpoints ect... admins can now spawn as overwatch without getting set back to their dm role killstreaks that lock the loadout now allow players to delete all but one gun when playing so player dont get stuck with rewarded guns they dont want player damage now take into account armor and other player buffs/debuffs