braze-inc / braze-cordova-sdk

Public repo for the Braze Cordova SDK
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Android implementation appears out of date #69

Closed Ricardinh0 closed 2 years ago

Ricardinh0 commented 2 years ago

I ran into a few issues whilst implementing the appboy-cordova-sdk for an Android device using Iconic's capacitorJS v3. I thought it would be useful to highlight them here so the SDK might be updated:

Issue 1

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

        * What went wrong:
        Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'.
        > Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'.
        > Using insecure protocols with repositories, without explicit opt-in, is unsupported. Switch Maven repository
        'maven(' to redirect to a secure protocol (like HTTPS) or allow
        insecure protocols. See
        for more details.

Updating this to https resolved this issue.

Issue 2

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

        * What went wrong:
        Some problems were found with the configuration of task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices' (type
        - Type 'GoogleServicesTask' field 'intermediateDir' without corresponding getter has been annotated with

        Reason: Annotations on fields are only used if there's a corresponding getter for the field.

        Possible solutions:
        1. Add a getter for field 'intermediateDir'.
        2. Remove the annotations on 'intermediateDir'.

        Please refer to for
        more details about this problem.
        - Type 'GoogleServicesTask' field 'packageNameXOR1' without corresponding getter has been annotated with @Input.

        Reason: Annotations on fields are only used if there's a corresponding getter for the field.

        Possible solutions:
        1. Add a getter for field 'packageNameXOR1'.
        2. Remove the annotations on 'packageNameXOR1'.

        Please refer to for
        more details about this problem.
        - Type 'GoogleServicesTask' field 'packageNameXOR2' without corresponding getter has been annotated with @Input.

        Reason: Annotations on fields are only used if there's a corresponding getter for the field.

        Possible solutions:
        1. Add a getter for field 'packageNameXOR2'.
        2. Remove the annotations on 'packageNameXOR2'.

        Please refer to for
        more details about this problem.
        - Type 'GoogleServicesTask' field 'quickstartFile' without corresponding getter has been annotated with
        @InputFile, @Optional.

        Reason: Annotations on fields are only used if there's a corresponding getter for the field.

        Possible solutions:
        1. Add a getter for field 'quickstartFile'.
        2. Remove the annotations on 'quickstartFile'.

        Please refer to for
        more details about this problem.
        - Type 'GoogleServicesTask' field 'searchedLocation' without corresponding getter has been annotated with

        Reason: Annotations on fields are only used if there's a corresponding getter for the field.

        Possible solutions:
        1. Add a getter for field 'searchedLocation'.
        2. Remove the annotations on 'searchedLocation'.

        Please refer to for
        more details about this problem.

Updating this package to 4.3.8 resolved the issue.

radixdev commented 2 years ago

Hi @Ricardinh0 ,

Thank you for pointing these out. I will update this issue once we do a new release.

radixdev commented 2 years ago

This has been updated. Thank you for filing!