braze-inc / braze-cordova-sdk

Public repo for the Braze Cordova SDK
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Error Building Android version latest appboy-plugin version #79

Closed victor-frankfi closed 1 year ago

victor-frankfi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I am getting the following error trying to use the latest version of your plugin. Maybe I am misunderstanding how the android build process works. According to Cordova official documentation we can see the following 30AC3411-18EB-4091-BDD2-27F4CA0FA5E9

But when we take a look into cordova-plugin-appboy we have the following configuration: 6CA14DE4-A33A-407C-A3C1-34D320BC21F4

Meaning when i try to point the targetSdkVrersion=30 (according to Cordova official documentation) in my config.xml file i have the following error during the build process: 05F875B2-6D17-40BF-999C-2D91FB92E6B7

If i change my targetSdkVersion to 31 I run into the following error: D1B1159B-B504-4677-BD37-96BA6A563468

You can see more details in the follogin screenshot 3C889F07-4387-4A0A-B8E1-74514F7B8758

can anyone bring some light on my problem? Thanks!

radixdev commented 1 year ago

Hi @victor-frankfi ,

Can you specify which version of the cordova-android dependency you're using?

radixdev commented 1 year ago

Hey @victor-frankfi ,

I'm closing this issue for now. Please let me know if you continue to have issues and we'll debug further.