Open victorferraz opened 9 years ago
Uma coisa que percebo é que a maioria das pessoas desistem de trabalhar com software após os conceitos básicos, isso provavelmente se dá devido a diferença brusca de entusiasmo após os conceitos iniciais.
A melhor forma de conseguir segurar alguém dentro da indústria seria conseguindo manter o entusiasmo logo após os conceitos iniciais pelo menos até o início do ponto de inflexão, caso contrário a quantidade de dropouts vai ser imensa.
Acredito que uma iniciativa dessas seria muito interessante, mas o maior impacto seria alcançado se tivesse uma visão mais voltada a fazer com que as pessoas superassem esse abismo inicial para garantir uma maior quantidade de retenções.
Todos sabemos que este abismo é só uma fase, mas se uma pessoa sem condições financeiras perder o entusiasmo e achar que jamais conseguirá aprender, então ela desistirá e nunca mais tentará novamente, reduzindo drasticamente a eficácia da iniciativa.
Concordo muito com sua afirmação, mas acho que um dos grandes responsáveis é a metodologia de ensino utilizada nas faculdades/cursos/escola na área de computação.
O curso em sim acho que teria que seguir uma linha de motivação mostrar como que é o mercado, e o que o aluno precisa fazer para alcançar seus objetivos. Mostrar como é simples as coisas. Algo que eu não vejo nas escolas é mexer com psicológico do aluno no sentido de elogiar e melhorar a estima do iniciante e não deixar que ele se sinta "burro", por ter dificuldade em alguma parte.
Essa é uma ideia muito maneira. O Gerald ( está fazendo esse movimento na Filipinas, disse ter ajudado mais de 20 sem-tetos a ingressar no mercado de trabalho na área de TI. Posso trocar figurinhas com ele pra obter mais informações e ideias praticas pra compartilhar aqui.
Muito bacana Bernardo, se você conseguir isso, seria ótimo :)
Fala galera, muito interessante e legal ter uma iniciativa dessas.
Pela conversa, parece que um ponto muito importante é manter a motivação do pessoal para eles não abandonarem. Talvez, mostrar uma forma na qual eles possam devolver para a comunidade seja uma das possíveis saídas para esse problema.
Dêem uma olhada nesse projeto:
Eu não olhei a fundo, então pode ser que tenha mais ideias ali que possam ser adaptadas. O ponto principal é o fato de ajudar “non-profits”, que pode ser um motivador para a galera querer aprender e ajudar outras pessoas enquanto estão aprendendo. Isso daria a eles a possibilidade de gerar impacto positivo na vida de outras pessoas, o que pode ajudar (ou não) a manter essa galera motivada.
Grande abraço! Vou ficar de olho na evolução!
As my friend @bernardodiasc told me that you guys are doing an amazing job their in Brazil. So I just wanted to share my experience of doing that kind of heroic activity here.
Homeless Projects (Philippines)
Homeless to Heroes is a project funded by X-Team to help those teenagers in the street to build their future. Basically those people who are forgotten by their own families and by the government.
Here in the Philippines it is very common to see a flock of teenagers in the street. They usually collect garbage, sell cigarettes, candies, and newspapers just to make ends meet. Some of them are errand boys while others are extremely unfortunate that they are being exploited by a syndicate to pretend as beggars, to be front-liners in selling illegal drugs, or act as accomplices in illegal transactions.
The Goal:
Our goal is to help these Homeless
people to fulfill their dreams - a life that is full of inspiration and fulfillment.
The Mission:
Our mission is to inspire these people and give the love, care, and attention they need. Basically, we are going to educate them by sharing the skills and knowledges we acquired for years in the field of technology and by sharing our stories that could inspire and drive them to pursue their dream.
The Impact:
This ambitious project might be small but this will produce a huge impact in the community. Here are the advantages:
This project is going to have a domino effect. It will open the mind of the government to take their role to solve this kind of problem. People who underwent to this training will also do the same.
Post-Training Support:
We will ask for support from some of the biggest online jobs hub like Freelancer, Upwork, Elance, and RemoteStaff. As part of sustainability we need to make sure that every person will get the job they wanted.
The Challenge:
I. Engaging with this kind of people is not easy as giving a coin to a beggar. Most of them are reluctant and close-minded. As other people say there is always a way
. Here are the keys:
DONT give advise
unless you have a full understanding of their sympathy
is to join to their regular activity. In my case, I drink whatever they drink. Luckily, they are the one who told me not to try marijuana or meth. Yes, they give advice once you show sympathy to them
.II. Training Needs
For fund, I managed to gather some amount of money from friends. Yes, you just need to share your full idea and support will come next. If you have a friend that owns a computer shop you can ask him to sponsor the venue. Just ask.
@geraldvillorente Perhaps the local government might be interested in sponsor this kind of initiative once there's enough data to prove the efficacy? Have your government been interested on this?
@victorferraz Uma vez fui na ThoughtWorks em POA e me contaram que eles costumam trabalhar com iniciativas semelhantes mais voltadas a favelas. Eles possuem um escritório em BH, acho que não custa nada troca uma ideia por lá...
@FagnerMartinsBrack I wanted to tap the government on this mission but at the same time I am hesitant as well due to our government system here (corrupt). Especially that the national election is coming.
Another way to attract sponsors is to announce your advocacy in your local meetups or camps. I've done it here and I got a positive feedback from employers. They said that they are much willing to hire those people that are trained by us rather than those people who came from school and have no real experience of the technology outside the school. So I guess much the same in your country as well.
.. due to our government system here (corrupt)
Corruption exists everywhere. Just want to point out that just because some people in a given portion of a system are corrupt, it doesn't mean that all people from every part of a system are corrupt. This subject come out very often and in the end represents one great myth in societies, and happens in Brazil too. You see so much talking about corruption in the media because that's where the audience goes up, people love to hear about corruption and scandals, so they are flooded by it.
I often talk with local representatives and realize there's a lot of people that participate in politics and really want to help, but are drown by the flood of scandals and negative behavior of others.
I would suggest not to give up in government support, I am not talking about presidential level, but city level. Or even from local community government.
Besides that, the interest of private sectors for actual experience is a very good plus. Here in my area the quality of schools is very bad, people leave college without even knowing what a Big O notation means.
@geraldvillorente thank you so much for your feedback my friend! My eyes had flooded of tears while reading, very inspiring!
I already met with explicit corrupt key-persons in Belo Horizonte, advisors of deputies (the guy wanted bribe to move my project forward, its sad). But for sure there is honest people, you just need to find they directly. Where I live now I'm in touch with IT secretary, and he is a very decent person.
Also, we have a huge amount of government fund available in Brazil for a lot kind of projects, the hard step is build the project to get the fund approved, but I know some people who are specialized in create projects to get public fund, and works well (for instance, next week have public support, probably not exclusive).
From my perspective, this kind of initiative can start small and grow up with time and dedication. Other people interested will join. Letting the initiative indenpendently will remove a lot obstacles and the market partnership is a big plus as Gerald said: They (employers) said that they are much willing to hire those people that are trained by us rather than those people who came from school and have no real experience of the technology outside the school.
Thank you @geraldvillorente @bernardodiasc @FagnerMartinsBrack by ther feedbacks :)
I will evolve this project and I will write here my developments :)
A um ano atrás a após ficar sabendo de um um sem teto nos EUA que aprendeu a programar, eu pensei em fazer a mesma coisa aqui no Brasil. (para quem não sabe da uma olhada nesse línk
Estou querendo fazer algum tipo iniciativa que ensina as pessoas que não tem nenhuma condição financeira (sem computador e sem internet ) desde de crianças até a adultos a começar a programar.
Alguns ítens que eu já pensei:
Meu objetivo final é ajudar as pessoas sem nenhuma condição financeira a terem uma melhor qualidade de vida.
Gostaria de sugestões, idéias, para que eu possa tocar esse projeto aqui na minha cidade. (Belo Horizonte)