brazilofmux / tinymux

48 stars 21 forks source link

@restart failts, dumps connections and database. #342

Closed brazilofmux closed 9 years ago

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Original issue 339 created by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T05:20:18.000Z:

What version of the server are you using? On what operating system? OpenSuse 10.2 What is the configuration or initial setup is required? From a fresh compile the issue seems to happen. If I use @restart, the game shuts down like you would expect, but instead of restarting from the server, it dumps all the connections and shuts down, like something in the @restart did not hook properly.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. Compiled source
  2. added a few rooms
  3. @restart

Note, this didn't happen 3-4 patchsets previously, so something new added or removed isn't sitting well on OpenSUSE 10.2

What is the expected output? proper reboot of the game.

What output do you see instead? Game shuts down and leaves a restart.db

Please provide any additional information below.

# Access Configuration
access                                  @function wizard
access                                  @function/privileged wizard
# attr_access
# attr_cmd_access
# config_access
# function_access
# list_access
# logout_cmd_access
# user_attr_access
# Alias Configuration
# alias
# attr_alias
# function_alias
# logout_cmd_alias
# power_alias
# Art() Configuration
article_rule                            an ^[aeiou]
article_rule                            an ^he(ir|rb)
article_rule                            an ^ho(mag|nest|no|ur)
article_rule                            an ^un
article_rule                            a  ^unanim(ous|ity)
article_rule                            a  ^uni([acflopqtvx]|dim|dir|sex|son)
article_rule                            a  ^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]
article_rule                            a  ^e[uw]
article_rule                            a  ^onc?e[-\ ]?
article_rule                            a  ^[aeiou][.-]
article_rule                            an ^y[lt]
# Basic Configuration
port                                    3500
mud_name                                RealitiesMUX
# Costs Configuration
clone_copies_cost                       no
create_max_cost                         505
create_min_cost                         10
dig_cost                                1
kill_guarantee_cost                     100
kill_max_cost                           100
kill_min_cost                           10
link_cost                               1
machine_command_cost                    64
open_cost                               1
page_cost                               0
robot_cost                              1000
search_cost                             100
wait_cost                               10
# Database Configuration
comsys_database                         data/RealitiesMUX.db
crash_database                          data/RealitiesMUX.db.CRASH
input_database                          data/RealitiesMUX.db
mail_database                           data/RealitiesMUX.mail.db
output_database                         data/
game_dir_file                           data/RealitiesMUX.dir
game_pag_file                           data/RealitiesMUX.pag
compression                             no
compress_program                        gzip
uncompress_program                      gunzip
# Flags Configuration
# flag_name
# flag_access
# flag_alias
public_flags                            yes
# exit_flags
player_flags                            SAFE UNINSPECTED ANSI
robot_flags                             SAFE ROBOT
room_flags                              SAFE UNINSPECTED
# stripped_flags                        BLIND CONNECTED GAGGED HEAD_FLAG
# thing_flags
# Guests Configuration
guests_channel                          Guests
guests_channel_alias                    g
# guest_char_num
guest_nuker                             1
guest_prefix                            Guest
min_guests                              1
number_guests                           10
# Helpfile Configuration
raw_helpfile                            help text/help
raw_helpfile                            wizhelp text/wizhelp
helpfile                                news text/news
helpfile                                +help text/plushelp
helpfile                                +shelp text/staffhelp
helpfile                                +jhelp text/jhelp
helpfile                                snews text/wiznews
access +shelp staff
access wizhelp wizard
access snews staff
# Hook Configuration
# hook_cmd
# hook_obj
# Includes Configuration
include                                 conf/alias.conf
include                                 conf/compat.conf
include                                 conf/names.conf
# Limits Configuration
command_quota_increment                 1
command_quota_max                       100
float_precision                         -1
function_invocation_limit               7500
function_recursion_limit                250
initial_size                            1000
lag_limit                               60.000
lag_maximum                             120.000
lock_recursion_limit                    20
mail_expiration                         14
mail_per_hour                           50
max_cache_size                          1048576
max_players                             -1
notify_recursion_limit                  20
parent_recursion_limit                  20
pcreate_per_hour                        20
player_queue_limit                      100
retry_limit                             3
sacrifice_adjust                        -1
sacrifice_factor                        5
site_chars                              0
stack_limit                             50
trace_output_limit                      2000
user_attr_per_hour                      5000
zone_recursion_limit                    20
# Log Configuration
log                 accounting !all_commands bad_commands !buffer_alloc bugs 
log                 checkpoints config_changes create killing logins network 
log                 problems security shouts startup suspect time_usage wizard
log_options         flags !location owner timestamp
# Money Configuration
earn_limit                              10000
find_money_chance                       0
money_name_plural                       credits
money_name_singular                     credit
paycheck                                50
starting_money                          100
# Parameters Configuration
autozone                                yes
cache_names                             yes
cache_pages                             40
dark_sleepers                           yes
eval_comtitle                           yes
examine_flags                           yes
examine_public_attrs                    yes
fascist_teleport                        no
fork_dump                               yes
global_error_obj                        -1
have_comsys                             yes
have_mailer                             yes
have_zones                              yes
hostnames                               yes
idle_wiz_dark                           no
indent_desc                             yes
look_obey_terse                         yes
master_room                             #2
match_own_commands                      yes
paranoid_allocate                       no
pemit_any_object                        no
pemit_far_players                       no
player_listen                           no
player_match_own_commands               yes
player_name_spaces                      no
public_channel                          Public
public_channel_alias                    pub
quiet_look                              yes
quiet_whisper                           yes
read_remote_desc                        no
read_remote_name                        yes
restrict_home                           no
robot_speech                            yes
run_startup                             yes
safer_passwords                         no
safe_wipe                               no
see_owned_dark                          yes
signal_action                           default
space_compress                          yes
sweep_dark                              no
switch_default_all                      yes
terse_shows_contents                    yes
terse_shows_exits                       yes
terse_shows_move_messages               yes
# toad_recipient                        #1
trace_topdown                           yes
unowned_safe                            no
use_http                                no
# Player Configuration
default_home                            29
player_starting_home                    29
player_starting_room                    29
# Quota Configuration
quotas                                  no
starting_quota                          20
exit_quota                              1
player_quota                            1
room_quota                              1
thing_quota                             1
# Reality Levels Configuration
def_exit_rx                             1
def_exit_rx                             1
def_player_rx                           1
def_player_tx                           1
def_room_rx                             1
def_room_tx                             -1
def_thing_rx                            1
def_thing_tx                            1
# reality_level
wiz_always_real                         0
# Site Configuration
allow_guest_from_registered_site        yes
# forbid_site
# guest_site
# suspect_site
# trust_site
# Text File Configuration
badsite_file                            text/badsite.txt
connect_file                            text/connect.txt
connect_reg_file                        text/register.txt
down_file                               text/down.txt
full_file                               text/full.txt
guest_file                              text/guest.txt
motd_file                               text/motd.txt
newuser_file                            text/newuser.txt
quit_file                               text/quit.txt
register_create_file                    text/create_reg.txt
wizard_motd_file                        text/wizmotd.txt
status_file                             shutdown.status
# down_motd_message
#dump_message                            Game: Backing up reality to the
fixed_home_message                      Game: You are unable to use HOME.
fixed_tel_message                       Game: You are unable to use @teleport.
full_motd_message                       We're full! Try back later.
# motd_message
#postdump_message                        Game: Reality restored.
# pueblo_message                        "</xch_mudtext><img xch_mode=html>"
# wizard_motd_message
# Timing Configuration
cache_tick_period                       30.0
check_interval                          600
check_offset                            300
conn_timeout                            60
destroy_going_now                       no
dump_interval                           3600
events_daily_hour                       7
idle_interval                           60
idle_timeout                            3600
queue_active_chunk                      10
queue_idle_chunk                        10
timeslice                               1.000
brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T05:24:09.000Z:

This also seems to happen on the latest 2.6 sources as well. I have all the latest suse patches, so I'm not sure what's causing it.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #2 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T06:02:39.000Z:

Do you have a corresponding log file? Did you change GAMENAME in mux.config? Did you compile with memory-based or disk-based? If you just unpack the distribution, build, and run, does the problem continue to reproduce?

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #3 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T08:17:23.000Z:

Ok, I found out. If I use the default netmux.conf file, @restart works fine. Something in the above file is the cause, but I don't see what it could be. I've rebuilding it now to generate you the log file. I edited gamename in mux.conf and in the netmux.conf (renamed to RealitiesMUX.conf) I am using disk named configure. Unpack, cd mux2.6/src and ./configure and then make. Switch to the game dir, ./Startmux, telnet in and just @restart will crash with the above file.

The first log is the first start up. The second log is generated as part of the restart. As you can see, something between is corrupting the db.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #4 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T08:24:22.000Z:

Ok, I feel stupid. I fixed it. IT /was/ in the conf file. Somehow the comsys and input db's had the same file name. Oops. Heh.

Thanks for the help.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #5 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2007-05-16T17:30:45.000Z:

Deteremined to be a non-bug.