brazilofmux / tinymux

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SIGSEGV errors caused by Myrddin's CRON and BBOARDs #648

Closed brazilofmux closed 9 years ago

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Original issue 646 created by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:17:36.000Z:

What version of the server are you using? TinyMUX 2.10 ALPHA On what operating system? Unsure; Unix flavored ( What is the configuration or initial setup is required? Nothing special; I didn't start it up with any configuration settings.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. +bbread or +bbread /: it doesn't happen every time, but on occasion, reading the bboard -- especially if several people are doing it at once -- will cause the problem. Also, I've seen it happen when people log and /immediately/ check the bb.
  2. The CRON was giving errors when it attempted to run @timeonweek (I deleted that cron code, though, because we weren't even using it).

I've included the crash snippets from the logs, which is all of the info I really have. I haven't made any sort of custom changes to the stock bbcode (no extra ANSI or anything) other than to add the +bbnew command.

2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=[ljust([member(get(# 20/groups),%q0)]/[member(get(%q0/MESS_LST),5V)],6)][ljust(u(# 20/fn_msg_flags,%#,%q0,5V),2)][ljust(index(setr(1,get(%q0/HDR_5V)),|,1,1),35)][ljust(index(%q1,|,2,1),14)][mid([index(%q1,|,3,1)][ifelse(and(hasattr(%q0,anonymous),hasflag(%#,wizard)),%b([name(index(%q1,|,4,1))]),)],0,21)][switch(member(get(%q0/MESS_LST),5V),words(get(%q0/MESS_LST)),%r[repeat(=,78)])]’ 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: Sylph(# 1222) in OOC Lounge(# 46) 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@timeonweek # 1369=[add(get(# 1369/timeonweek),2)]’ 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: CRON - Myrddin's mushcron(# 69) in Master Room(# 2) 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=[switch(hasattr(# 20,BB_POSTHDR%#),1,\ BB Warning: You are in the middle of writing a bbpost. **%r)][switch(setdiff(iter(setr(0,u(# 20/VALID_GROUPS,%#,read)),get(##/MESS_LST)),setr(1,get(%#/BB_READ))),,There are no unread postings on the Global Bulletin Board.,[center(- Unread Postings on the Global Bulletin Board -,78,-)][setq(9,get(# 20/GROUPS))][trim(iter(%q0,switch(setr(2,setdiff(setr(3,get(##/MESS_LST)),%q1)),,,%r[name(##)] (#[member(%q9,##)]): [words(%q2)] unread ([u(# 20/FN_UNREAD_LIST,%q2,%q3)]))),b)]%r[center(- BBS at [round(mul(fdiv(strlen(get(# 20/MASTER_LST)),get(# 20/BUFFER_SIZE)),100),1)]\% capacity -,78,-)])]’ 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: Mayako(# 1360) in OOC Lounge(# 46) 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=%r[center(= [name(%q0)] =,78,=)]%r[ljust(Message: %q4/58[switch(u(# 20/fn_timeoutclose,index(setr(3,get(%q0/HDR[extract(get(%q0/MESSLST),58,1)])),|,5,1)),1,{%b(timeout warning)})],35)]Posted[space(8)]Author%r[ljust(index(%q3,|,1,1),35)][ljust(index(%q3,|,2,1),14)][mid([index(%q3,|,3,1)][ifelse(and(hasattr(%q0,anonymous),hasflag(%#,wizard)),%b([name(index(%q3,|,4,1))]),)],0,29)]%r[repeat(-,78)]%r[get(%q0/BDY[extract(get(%q0/MESS_LST),58,1)])]%r[repeat(=,78)]’ 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: TJ Wagner(# 569) in Queens - New York(# 244) 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules. 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited NET/SLAVE: process was terminated with signal SIGKILL.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:41:50.000Z:

Issue 647 has been merged into this issue.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #2 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:48:44.000Z:


brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #3 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T02:53:17.000Z:

Someone else was experiencing this -- also on I may need an account on isunlimited to reproduce this because I'm having no luck so far on any of the platforms I test with.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #4 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T03:48:50.000Z:

I've requested a free account to see if I can reproduce it there.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #5 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T22:52:14.000Z:

Even with an account, I cannot seem to reproduce this bug. Can I get some help? Maybe do what you did, or give me steps to what you did, or I need to get your game under a debugger while you do what you do?

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #6 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T22:56:36.000Z:

I'm willing to put the game under a debugger and then let the players go wild on the bboard again to see who can crash it first. It was happening at least once a day from just normal use. The addy is:

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #7 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2011-03-03T15:07:58.000Z:

I wonder if this is still happening? The timing of this is around the release of None of the later fixes would have have been out, so the behavior should have continued between Oct 19 2010 and Mar 2 2011.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #8 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2011-03-03T15:13:52.000Z:

No, it's no longer happening. It stopped 10/25. In our last email exchange, you said that you had caught a bug, fixed it, and restarted the game. It never happened again after that.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #9 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2011-03-03T22:25:48.000Z:
