brazilofmux / tinymux

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SIGSEGV errors caused by Myrddin's CRON and BBOARDs #649

Closed brazilofmux closed 9 years ago

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Original issue 647 created by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:18:49.000Z:

What version of the server are you using? TinyMUX 2.10 ALPHA On what operating system? Unsure; Unix flavored ( What is the configuration or initial setup is required? Nothing special; I didn't start it up with any configuration settings.

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. +bbread or +bbread /: it doesn't happen every time, but on occasion, reading the bboard -- especially if several people are doing it at once -- will cause the problem. Also, I've seen it happen when people log and /immediately/ check the bb.
  2. The CRON was giving errors when it attempted to run @timeonweek (I deleted that cron code, though, because we weren't even using it).

I've included the crash snippets from the logs, which is all of the info I really have. I haven't made any sort of custom changes to the stock bbcode (no extra ANSI or anything) other than to add the +bbnew command.

2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=[ljust([member(get(# 20/groups),%q0)]/[member(get(%q0/MESS_LST),5V)],6)][ljust(u(# 20/fn_msg_flags,%#,%q0,5V),2)][ljust(index(setr(1,get(%q0/HDR_5V)),|,1,1),35)][ljust(index(%q1,|,2,1),14)][mid([index(%q1,|,3,1)][ifelse(and(hasattr(%q0,anonymous),hasflag(%#,wizard)),%b([name(index(%q1,|,4,1))]),)],0,21)][switch(member(get(%q0/MESS_LST),5V),words(get(%q0/MESS_LST)),%r[repeat(=,78)])]’ 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: Sylph(# 1222) in OOC Lounge(# 46) 2010.1014:192738 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@timeonweek # 1369=[add(get(# 1369/timeonweek),2)]’ 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: CRON - Myrddin's mushcron(# 69) in Master Room(# 2) 2010.1011:230600 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=[switch(hasattr(# 20,BB_POSTHDR%#),1,\ BB Warning: You are in the middle of writing a bbpost. **%r)][switch(setdiff(iter(setr(0,u(# 20/VALID_GROUPS,%#,read)),get(##/MESS_LST)),setr(1,get(%#/BB_READ))),,There are no unread postings on the Global Bulletin Board.,[center(- Unread Postings on the Global Bulletin Board -,78,-)][setq(9,get(# 20/GROUPS))][trim(iter(%q0,switch(setr(2,setdiff(setr(3,get(##/MESS_LST)),%q1)),,,%r[name(##)] (#[member(%q9,##)]): [words(%q2)] unread ([u(# 20/FN_UNREAD_LIST,%q2,%q3)]))),b)]%r[center(- BBS at [round(mul(fdiv(strlen(get(# 20/MASTER_LST)),get(# 20/BUFFER_SIZE)),100),1)]\% capacity -,78,-)])]’ 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: Mayako(# 1360) in OOC Lounge(# 46) 2010.1014:191507 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules.

2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited SIG/CATCH: Caught signal SIGSEGV 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Command: ‘@pemit %#=%r[center(= [name(%q0)] =,78,=)]%r[ljust(Message: %q4/58[switch(u(# 20/fn_timeoutclose,index(setr(3,get(%q0/HDR[extract(get(%q0/MESSLST),58,1)])),|,5,1)),1,{%b(timeout warning)})],35)]Posted[space(8)]Author%r[ljust(index(%q3,|,1,1),35)][ljust(index(%q3,|,2,1),14)][mid([index(%q3,|,3,1)][ifelse(and(hasattr(%q0,anonymous),hasflag(%#,wizard)),%b([name(index(%q3,|,4,1))]),)],0,29)]%r[repeat(-,78)]%r[get(%q0/BDY[extract(get(%q0/MESS_LST),58,1)])]%r[repeat(=,78)]’ 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited BUG/INFO : Player: BBS - Myrddin's Global BBS v4.0.6(# 19) in Master Room(# 2) Enactor: TJ Wagner(# 569) in Queens - New York(# 244) 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited INI/LOAD : Revoked netmux modules. 2010.1017:194252 Universe Unlimited NET/SLAVE: process was terminated with signal SIGKILL.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:21:35.000Z:

Sorry about the double-submit. I got a 500 Server Error the first time, didn't realize it went through.

brazilofmux commented 9 years ago

Comment #2 originally posted by brazilofmux on 2010-10-19T01:41:50.000Z:
