brcosta / clj-extras-plugin

Clojure Extras IntelliJ Plugin
Apache License 2.0
55 stars 12 forks source link

Don't always perform clj-kondo classpath analysis on startup #45

Open joshgelbard opened 1 year ago

joshgelbard commented 1 year ago

As far as I can tell, there's no way to opt out of this classpath analysis step, or to do it just once and then never again. That step takes a very long time on our codebase, so doing it every time the plugin is loaded gets pretty painful. Assuming I'm not just missing an opt-out option that already exists—could one be added?

It might make sense to skip it by default if a .clj-kondo.cache directory already exists, but I'd also click a "Never ask about this" checkbox on install. I'm happy to run it myself as needed.

Full transparency: I don't use IntelliJ myself except when I'm trying to debug it; I just want all my coworkers to use clj-kondo, and this plugin looks to be by far the easiest way to make that happen. :)

I'm testing this with IntelliJ CE 2022.3.1 and Clojure Extras 0.7.7.
