breadwallet / breadwallet-android

The Android version of the Bread bitcoin wallet.
MIT License
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Support for sending to bech32m #213

Open murchandamus opened 2 years ago

murchandamus commented 2 years ago

Hi Aaron,

I was looking over the Bech32 Adoption Table on the Bitcoin Wiki and was wondering whether BRD supports sending to bech32m addresses. As you are probably aware, Taproot activated in November and Pay to Taproot (P2TR) outputs use bech32m addresses. I've been hearing from a few parties that they're working on neat wallets that would like to launch Taproot-only, so I'm trying to encourage wallets and services to get ready to support sending to P2TR. I'm not too worried about people receiving to P2TR outputs, but broad sending support should make the rollout of wallets using Taproot cause less support requests for all parties.

If BRD doesn't support sending to bech32m, yet, you might want to check that bech32m addresses are correctly rejected. We've seen a few cases where bech32m addresses were decoded incorrectly and funds got sent to version 0 outputs instead of version 1 outputs, effectively burning the funds.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Cheers, Murch