breandan / kotlingrad

🧩 Shape-Safe Symbolic Differentiation with Algebraic Data Types
Apache License 2.0
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How to add library to project? #3

Closed Redrield closed 4 years ago

Redrield commented 5 years ago

Is kotlingrad hosted in any maven repos (such as jcenter or central)? I'd like to use this but I can't find a source to import it from

breandan commented 5 years ago

Not yet, but we will make it available on the GitHub Package Registry once our beta access is approved. ~In the mean time, you can clone and build the source via git clone && cd kotlingrad && ./gradlew build. The JAR file will be placed in build/libs.~ Thanks for your interest!

breandan commented 4 years ago

Still waiting for an invite to the GPR Beta. In the meantime, we will serve it on this Git repository directly:

breandan commented 4 years ago

Builds are now distributed on the GitHub Package Registry (please see here for installation instructions).