breathe-doc / breathe

ReStructuredText and Sphinx bridge to Doxygen
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How generate dynamically the doc ? #293

Open Ducatel opened 7 years ago

Ducatel commented 7 years ago

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to move the documentation of my C++ projects to readthedoc. To do that, I'm trying to export my previous doxygen doc to the sphinx doc format (with breathe obviously :D )

But I'm new with sphinx/breathe and I don't really understand how I can "convert" my documentation.

So for me, my documentation should have:

I didn't found how I can do that. The only directive I found which generate automatically the doc is .. doxygenindex::. But it generate all doc in one page. That is very uncomfortable when you have hundreds of class.

The only way I found was to parse myself the doxygen XML output to generate rst file for each class/namespace. I think, it wasn't a good idea (not generic at all)

So There is any way to make what I want easily ? I miss somethings ?

Thanks in advance for your help ;)

Andne commented 7 years ago

I've been working on this for a work project myself. Eventually I found the breathe-apidoc command that generates an rst page for each class. Then you can have a manual page that uses something like

.. toctree::


to create the class lists.

Namespaces also have pages generated, though I have noticed that if you use anonymous namespaces much that list gets a little funny though, there was also a weird interaction with the file-level comments.

svenevs commented 7 years ago

Hey, I wrote exhale to do this. I've wanted to put a link to it on here for a long time, but it is currently not perfect. The warning at the top of the example page explains the current limitations, though I think I just fixed the template stuff. Templates are actually why I'm on the breathe issues page right now though...

I hope it is useful to you!

ZedThree commented 7 years ago

breathe-apidoc was exactly what I was looking for as well. From what I can tell, it's not mentioned in the documentation anywhere -- I only found out about it from @Andne's comment.

It would be good to have a short section about it in the documentation.

evertheylen commented 7 years ago

breathe-apidoc was what I was looking for, this should definitely be documented better. (That being said, the provided output could use some work)

vermeeren commented 6 years ago

For now assuming that apidoc and/or exhale resolves this issue. Documentation will be updated in #357.

svenevs commented 6 years ago

Hey @melvinvermeeren do you want to re-open and assign this to me? I put on my internal agenda to add a docs PR explaining how to use the breathe api-doc but forgot about that. I can put it on the docket for this weekend when I'm reinvestigating the templates stuff :)

Of course if weeks go by, assigned to me makes me accountable so ping me reminding me I promised to do this!

vermeeren commented 6 years ago

@svenevs thank you for the offer. It appears that only people with write access can be assigned to an issue. As Michael is the owner is this repo I cannot give you rights either. I will re-open this and bug you once in a while if I don't forget. :)

vermeeren commented 5 years ago

Hi @svenevs

MaximilienNaveau commented 4 years ago

Sorry to bother you guys bu in the latest documentation I couldn't find information about breath-apidoc. I found out about this tools in the exhale package... It is a great tool, which might need slight improvement but very efficient! If the documentation exists please point me toward it and make it more obviously available in the breath doc. Otherwize please write a little bit of doc about it for further users^^

vermeeren commented 4 years ago

@MaximilienNaveau breathe has a significant lack of contributors for things like this. If you could help out and write a little bit of documentation for breathe-apidoc and submit it as a PR that would be great.