breathe-doc / breathe

ReStructuredText and Sphinx bridge to Doxygen
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no-link option not working #940

Open Thosse opened 10 months ago

Thosse commented 10 months ago

Hey, I'm using Doxygen and Sphinx with the Breathe extension to describe the API of a C++ software. I noticed that I can't include the Doxygen element multiple times, without it messing up the internal indexing. Originally, the :no-link: option should handle this, such that it inhibits the indexing of the second directive here

.. doxygenenum:: ReturnValue
    :project: test_project

.. doxygenenum:: ReturnValue
    :project: test_project

Still, I'm getting a "WARNING: Duplicate C++ declaration, also defined at [...]" and multiple index entries.

Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug?

P.S. I'm using sphinx 6.2.1 and breathe 4.35.0.