The marketing team is constantly sharing links on social media, etc. They often need a way to organize and catalog those links for better management and later reporting.
[ ] We need a new section in the sidebar menu called "Growth" and a subsection called "URL Shortner" that will take to a new view to list all the URL that have been shortned.
[ ] That view will list all the URLs paginated and with the option to search the links by slug, the view will be under the path: /growth/urls
[ ] The list of url's will support bulk delete using the API endpoint: DELETE /v1/marketing/academy/short?id=2,3,4 being id=2,3,4 a comma separated list of URLs to delete.
[ ] Each row on the list represents one shortened URL with the columns: id, slug, status, icon button that opens the destination on a new window and another icon button with a pencil to edit.
[ ] To add a new URL you have to click on the "Add new URL" on the upper right section of the view, the form will ask for:
slug: No spaces, only letter, number and dash -, must not start with a number.
destination: validate for URL.
private: checkbox for true or false, help text: "Other academies will see and use private urls
utm_campaign (text input), help text: `Used for google analytics and marketing tracking and link to this docs.
utm_medium (text input), help text: `Used for google analytics and marketing tracking and link to this docs.
utm_content (text input), help text: `Used for google analytics and marketing tracking and link to this docs.
utm_source (text input), help text: `Used for google analytics and marketing tracking and link to this docs.
[ ] The URL must also be possible to edit by going to the URL /growth/urls/<url_slug>
The marketing team is constantly sharing links on social media, etc. They often need a way to organize and catalog those links for better management and later reporting.
DELETE /v1/marketing/academy/short?id=2,3,4
a comma separated list of URLs to delete.-
, must not start with a number.Other academies will see and use private urls