We need a small react application that allows to send, process and review net promoter score surveys.
These are the possible services that the user can rate thru NPS: EVENT, CERTIFICATE, WORKSHOP, MENTOR, ACADEMY, COHORT
[ ] The autentication will be done expecting a token thru the URL Query String, that token will be used for authentication on breathecode API.
[ ] If there is not token on the URL or the token is invalid, the application needs to show read error message with the following description: "Missing or invalid token".
[ ] List all the user answers.
[ ] Filter the answers by user, score, school, and type of service provided.
[ ] Filter can be combined.
[ ] Results must be paginated with a "load more button" at the end.
[ ] KPI indicator always present that refreshes based on the filters.
[ ] The application must accept new answer with this URL: /survey/student/1
Take 2 minutes to watch this video on what is the Net Promoter Score.
We need a small react application that allows to send, process and review net promoter score surveys.
These are the possible services that the user can rate thru NPS:
thru the URL Query String, that token will be used for authentication on breathecode API.token
on the URL or the token is invalid, the application needs to show read error message with the following description: "Missing or invalid token".This is an example of how the responses should be accepted: Live demo: https://assets.breatheco.de/apps/nps/survey/219?access_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjbGllbnRJZCI6MjE5LCJpYXQiOjE1OTc2ODczOTIsImV4cCI6MzMxNTQ2MzkzOTJ9.Us0wuf1wn6fKL6bndlhNCtSDtZsId8-1OyUolc2eTPs
This is how the entire application its going to look: https://www.figma.com/proto/o9Q1nOQTM0Q7VHoZ4PVErd/Coursework?node-id=135%3A15&scaling=min-zoom
Here is the
API already working: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/2432393/T1LPC6ef?version=latest#a38c3133-4d45-4b82-94e8-3151574ec789You can use the API to retrieve and create new answers, you have to pass a breathecode token to create.