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Add a new `wikidataId` column #361

Closed tif-calin closed 2 months ago

tif-calin commented 1 year ago

I went ahead and took all the entries that had a wikipedia.pageId property and queried to see if they have a WikiData page.


``` java Q251 javascript Q2005 c Q15777 python Q28865 cpp Q2407 sql Q47607 html Q8811 xml Q2115 php Q59 perl Q42478 matlab Q169478 ruby Q161053 csharp Q2370 mysql Q850 fortran Q83303 css Q46441 r Q206904 go Q37227 json Q2063 scala Q460584 swift Q17118377 ada Q154755 cobol Q131140 powershell Q840410 postgresql Q192490 rust Q575650 kotlin Q3816639 pascal Q81571 haskell Q34010 arm Q16980 sas Q7388824 lisp Q132874 typescript Q978185 lua Q207316 http Q8777 nodejs Q756100 prolog Q163468 objective-c Q188531 assembly-language Q165436 clojure Q51798 erlang Q334879 bash Q189248 mathematica Q81294 scheme Q187560 elixir Q5362035 julia Q2613697 cuda Q477690 arduino Q175957 dart Q406009 modula-2 Q777358 visual-basic Q2378 tcl Q5288 vba Q667566 actionscript Q234657 basic Q42979 verilog Q827773 solidity Q24909565 awk Q213970 delphi Q487378 regex Q185612 f-sharp Q648619 crystal Q21921428 asp Q344266 ocaml Q212587 eiffel Q732089 smalltalk Q235086 modula-3 Q1928222 elm Q5366250 yacc Q305932 uml Q169411 common-lisp Q849146 groovy Q504453 racket Q1254148 d Q319268 sagemath Q1165184 maple Q139380 coffeescript Q1106819 vhdl Q209455 apl Q296187 opencl Q681360 rest Q749568 postscript Q218170 xquery Q850661 nginx-config Q306144 graphql Q25104949 yaml Q281876 powerpc Q209860 spss Q181596 tls Q206494 ftp Q42283 soap Q189620 rexx Q685820 x86-isa Q182933 tcp Q8803 scratch Q275131 forth Q275472 nim Q20080327 Q50077 latex Q5310 lfe Q17097207 smtp Q160453 antlr Q295801 purebasic Q2118858 vbscript Q13743 ml Q860654 cilk Q2569373 haxe Q285886 wasm Q20155677 chapel Q4036051 labview Q746261 mediawiki Q83 oberon Q1323362 markdown Q1193600 applescript Q129137 llvmir Q223490 oz Q1208217 fish Q307263 ecmascript Q259138 lasso Q3218363 red-lang Q3217187 simula Q212569 protobuf Q1645574 logo Q201436 idris Q15408477 sqlite Q319417 udp Q11163 ampl Q295250 sed Q305876 picolisp Q7191049 standard-ml Q597330 bcpl Q810009 pl-sql Q41574 tex Q5301 rebol Q1359171 mips Q527464 hack Q15971618 processing Q1053535 algol Q188436 owl Q826165 url Q42253 svg Q2078 org Q307228 brainfuck Q244627 dylan Q1268744 dot Q900927 fantom Q2699404 squirrel Q1200182 eulisp Q5405195 flex Q1050437 agda Q20479 blitzbasic Q143419 limbo Q544927 abap Q380523 game Q11410 haml Q1573599 emacs-lisp Q1334586 rdf Q54872 mumps Q1882071 coq Q1131652 coldfusion Q468446 occam Q838062 jinja Q4041851 autoit Q784845 x86-assembly Q297868 vala Q1138939 mime Q192902 icon Q1156474 xaml Q258778 ballerina Q51160183 x10 Q1852616 scilab Q828742 turing Q490481 io Q756175 j Q383994 ibm-rpg Q840543 newlisp Q827233 reverse-polish-notation Q379695 xbase Q300917 idl Q1665857 qml Q961543 boo Q892948 java-server-pages Q183169 octave Q223679 mercury Q206040 hy Q22661291 algol-60 Q1209759 object-pascal Q633894 ceylon Q93482 nemerle Q2626413 sparql Q54871 sparc Q273190 lolcode Q513238 clean Q377986 systemverilog Q1387402 supercollider Q2299598 snobol Q522041 opa Q3353033 qbasic Q381247 rfc Q212971 cython Q975594 bison Q1071969 xpath Q16340 inform Q539268 clips Q165372 self Q1864529 stata Q1204300 restructuredtext Q287315 plpgsql Q2044345 muf Q7808564 si Q12457 grep Q283302 pl-i-subset-g Q223433 wsdl Q623338 isabelle Q460340 autolisp Q782397 ia-32 Q262238 ats Q621618 s-algol Q7387092 csound Q259347 fstar Q5423569 sass Q1572865 factor Q1391724 netlogo Q672307 perl-6 Q2052676 apollo-guidance-computer Q138875 turtle Q114409 gnuplot Q306559 xojo Q14378091 lex Q306650 morse-code Q79897 foxpro Q2507721 java-bytecode Q137496 s-expressions Q1113529 csp Q1120460 intercal Q1054365 e Q2658244 axiom Q17736 alloy Q4733254 ini Q1141412 yara Q27627840 rdoc Q3415130 microsoft-basic Q1201810 modelica Q385325 livescript Q16963446 ooxml Q279979 clipper Q834358 erb Q1275850 whitespace Q378222 mariadb Q787177 dns Q8767 gams Q646446 b Q797302 asciidoc Q723030 symbol Q80071 bpmn Q1017605 batch Q479833 datalog Q1172264 dafny Q48989398 arc Q2438046 pod Q1935864 m4 Q292068 c-- Q81348 ninja Q28975257 wolfram Q15241057 base64 Q726780 gambas Q648124 tla Q28955120 hypertalk Q58329 json-ld Q6108942 q-equational-programming-language Q7261054 spark Q3493345 oxygene Q910482 befunge Q814269 visual-foxpro Q753868 seed7 Q1186348 bourne-shell Q844595 puppet Q2095962 ec Q22095795 miranda Q780803 powerbuilder Q580882 x86-64-isa Q272629 less Q1107192 twig Q4051886 xs Q8042480 simulink Q606550 sgml Q207819 genie Q1106293 g-code Q620464 autohotkey Q784816 thrift Q266257 gw-basic Q1049202 cool Q2904782 algol-68 Q2166735 setl Q2205923 linq Q595637 quickbasic Q1056057 nato-phonetic-alphabet Q190194 clu Q775159 z-notation Q1430781 maxima Q938304 xbasepp Q1753410 transact-sql Q1411245 pl-0 Q1719128 comtran Q5013384 nasm Q1571077 dc Q344670 asn-1 Q333301 abc Q1057802 squeak Q762464 scala-js Q460584 diagram Q959962 s Q1283865 true-basic Q489525 hypercard Q1053749 bluespec Q4930559 wxbasic Q362361 jython Q1053999 freebasic Q195929 gap Q677161 stylus Q7629737 jscript Q553514 mmx Q904336 k Q4042031 sather Q602012 pig Q7193204 vim-script Q131382 punched-tape Q66241 livecode Q3068282 mbox Q285972 txl Q7590386 oberon-2 Q3251260 multics Q739186 fastq-format Q3063023 tiny-basic Q586622 smarty Q726196 dtd Q212327 algol-w Q1538458 malbolge Q517956 xtend Q1691738 aspectj Q735604 nu Q7067717 caml Q1118153 fortress Q1439015 dtrace Q1155967 max Q1707206 hope Q4040754 ragel Q3417478 free-pascal Q210295 unicon Q3279945 relational-production-language Q960361 pari-gp Q3359573 mupad Q1951595 rdfa Q507673 atmel-avr Q216651 jcl Q1505372 puredata Q1401466 golo Q22681958 gosu Q5587589 glsl Q779819 nsis Q848317 openvera Q3916732 curry Q2368856 expect Q2642029 beta Q830842 action Q343587 musicxml Q653301 peg Q32271 ladder-logic Q1411875 cg Q559519 shakespeare-programming-language Q1140574 pl-m Q2160963 altair-basic Q286196 ratfor Q4115288 mps Q4041838 inno-setup Q744702 fasta-format Q1593782 unlambda Q670180 korn-shell Q204222 igor-pro Q13574543 abnf Q538050 risc-v Q17637401 lilypond Q195946 java-ee-version-history Q193247 ebnf Q1165219 phyloxml-format Q7189430 qb64 Q2463067 java-properties Q1068805 commodore-basic Q337272 xtext Q641368 renpy Q1196014 microsoft-small-basic Q767018 guile Q1486208 blitz3d Q143419 geojson Q5533904 bbcode Q617770 cfml Q2524362 parrot-internal-representation Q7139848 apache-velocity Q617156 euphoria Q1374139 ddml Q5287627 openlisp Q7095821 ipf Q1662484 hexagon Q7268615 pic-microcontroller Q650553 imap-protocol Q166936 microsoft-macro-assembler Q1756018 act-iii Q6458339 robomind Q7353252 drakon Q2671999 asmjs Q13496636 microdata Q3312185 kixtart Q1477376 csv Q935809 cpl Q2347334 pizza Q10350148 newtonscript Q1577753 jade Q6107617 ghostscript Q1135839 vrml Q176061 arexx Q296959 clos Q252340 lotusscript Q3260092 xetex Q26839 sqlpl Q7392736 thinbasic Q7784246 qr-code Q12203 alice Q1136926 modula Q2428476 blitzplus Q143419 kml Q79587 jai Q1154944 pharo Q369096 clarion Q1095608 yoix Q7475378 algol-58 Q1094499 javacc Q1526210 flow-matic Q1389173 netlinx Q6998267 papyrus Q125576 mbasic Q623610 fml Q5511119 nial Q7023815 s3 Q7388288 curl Q1144631 visual-prolog Q627600 ibm-gml Q164388 mathcad Q1133580 p4 Q25215425 textile Q1315657 cyclone Q79598 utc-format Q1536 aldor Q1549370 troff Q307306 bbc-basic Q429801 angelscript Q2366 xproc Q1571494 cobra Q608565 msp430 Q1028009 qmake Q287034 providex Q3408297 z-shell Q227308 amqp Q379626 digital-command-language Q427002 linden-scripting-language Q106827 pop-11 Q7120001 turbo-basic Q1648571 jsharp Q1160312 bnf Q211577 beanshell Q812964 futurebasic Q2748054 ncar-command-language Q934589 joy Q1265107 karel Q204693 tea Q3516674 dartmouth-basic Q2251017 pic Q7190476 jsoniq Q17060857 gold Q1486305 bpel Q787631 tsv Q3513566 unified-parallel-c Q2095090 gettext Q937302 staroffice-basic Q213259 micropython Q25313489 islisp Q5974027 pcre Q125267 creole Q641388 cryptol Q5190950 up-arrow-notation Q908427 harbour Q2544816 ntp Q217491 meson Q23810842 apt Q787227 ldap Q188816 telnet-protocol Q160470 sql-92 Q4048871 powerbasic Q1648571 wireless-markup-language Q268201 telcomp Q7669982 renderscript Q3425228 yorick Q3174329 sysml Q2117885 jovial Q1277803 icd Q45127 refal Q2626418 thymeleaf Q3526177 sam-format Q25339818 openscad Q3353120 alef Q1895587 speakeasy Q7574230 mqtt Q10322548 unity Q7475904 opl-langage-informatique Q1700602 ravenscar-profile Q3406871 clist Q579880 rascal Q7294734 euclidean-geometry Q162886 tiddlywiki Q1144644 saml Q1758048 simcode Q25304395 http-2 Q739120 mirah Q3858763 bliss Q2877155 nqc Q1783709 ecl Q5322691 ox Q16976264 motif-software Q1136830 binary-notation Q864135 activevfp Q4677478 jruby Q605718 synchronized-multimedia-integration-language Q1072180 whiley Q23653623 t Q7672623 atari-basic Q753604 ti-basic Q1759833 ucsd-pascal Q176984 applesoft-basic Q621556 cesil Q5065544 epigram Q5382927 stan Q17085079 cusip Q1115740 geo-ml Q926165 ip-pascal Q5973171 focal Q1966202 chuck Q850484 raku Q2052676 mathlab Q14943842 perl-data-language Q4046690 loglan Q36352 strips Q996052 mvel Q5677128 compiler-compiler Q1076785 ezhil Q12975625 tap-code Q7684384 rtp-protocol Q321213 arabic-numerals Q3059346 web-idl Q7978451 vml Q1888930 joss Q974083 freemarker Q1138215 dokuwiki Q851864 impala Q16043862 logtalk Q3258085 gfa-basic Q1485336 pure Q7261054 esterel Q486926 jargon Q17951 doodle Q185415 fp Q1474061 iswim Q1533797 odata Q1103955 pan Q7129538 open-shading-language Q18357621 qalb Q7265978 grass Q3756259 netrexx Q6998311 express Q3062272 plist Q1050471 mary Q6778754 lucene-query-syntax Q773196 sql-psm Q4048876 umple Q16958879 treelang Q7837689 openedge-advanced-business-language Q1963461 nxc Q1785511 ubasic Q4353796 pl360 Q7119559 xhtml Q166074 gopher-protocol Q322654 almquist-shell Q2641209 kodu-game-lab Q3496255 ssharp Q820978 arc-isa Q22041439 pop-protocol Q1268005 math-matic Q16947404 txt2tags Q3117711 vhdl-ams Q2744740 jolie Q17092903 extensible-embeddable-language Q5421921 natural Q346434 egl Q464338 operational-control-language Q7097738 turbo-assembler Q1715912 teco Q1547448 neko Q3337877 handel-c Q3782995 acl2 Q4650692 parrot-assembly Q7139844 nexus-format Q1983918 xblite Q3570345 hl7 Q327718 smiles-format Q466769 opal Q2024920 odbc Q212606 vcf-format Q7915770 cypher Q16834355 plb Q2924087 whois-protocol Q590967 pearl Q2043979 bloop Q4927494 ssi Q1411939 yawl Q2164484 google-apps-script Q5583799 speedcoding Q7475416 algo Q4652354 lingo Q664867 smallbasic Q5095896 maya Q3304832 ella-programming-language Q5323297 ternary-notation Q1056486 newick-format Q3339116 1620sps Q955489 nesc Q286443 mxml Q1196084 genshi Q2090915 krl Q6336852 macro-10 Q6714060 sweave Q1429916 interlisp Q4386338 object-rexx Q2437099 locomotive-basic Q1753474 hp-basic-for-openvms Q5635642 superbasic Q1777659 swi-prolog Q2665141 gpss Q1486554 clisp Q581256 plus Q7197427 xbasic Q4053289 doh Q50826096 tap Q7705704 xbl Q1691212 f Q5427464 sinclair-basic Q2074777 faust Q1398550 newspeak Q7019813 ns-basic Q6955411 glbasic Q2795550 cms-exec Q5013011 zonnon Q219959 focus Q5426833 xuml Q5419762 z-machine Q135811 fact Q7474729 planner Q2349274 comal Q1023991 unrealscript Q608276 grammatical-framework Q5593683 mirc Q300841 promal Q7120399 knitr Q4798127 ch Q5065901 xsd Q16342 schemaorg Q3475322 autocode Q4826226 rapira Q4117140 frink Q3087863 parser Q3501043 coral Q4117844 ole-protocol Q848314 bitbake Q4918679 mesa Q1042397 rc Q1050629 hocon Q20310849 isq Q16203461 .ql Q4545417 xbrl Q959950 nios Q438281 caltech-intermediate-form Q1027477 wyvern Q18029891 bc Q300897 sam-coupe Q1188778 amos Q295232 zpp Q17047882 cfscript Q5010855 sdlbasic Q7439742 basic-stamp Q640596 cms-2 Q5012997 sisal Q7390483 lucid Q3561750 parrot-basic Q1354914 orc-lang Q7100142 recfiles Q84711691 smpl Q5139163 basic-programming Q753581 babylonian-numerals Q506274 qore Q25345888 inchi Q203250 connection-machine Q1126252 javafx-script Q609804 cowsel Q5013542 integer-basic Q588806 ubercode Q7876482 etoys Q1044290 sequential-function-chart Q8143615 template-attribute-language Q1431130 gdl Q929932 snap Q1002996 gff-format Q5532344 telos Q3243630 nwscript Q584620 redcode Q1132500 ocl Q1397689 tuple-space Q1684164 wddx Q262636 haggis Q28404924 avr Q4817067 s-plus Q3267991 c-shell Q1064516 lisp-machine-lisp Q730272 scribe Q17152598 f-script Q5423621 mad Q4117854 amiga-e Q471181 relaxng Q1314117 flavors Q1427564 xmi Q548264 peoplecode Q7165836 mouse Q17148785 lustre Q464622 simscript Q7390408 nesl Q6953575 rdf-schema Q1751819 dax Q5227236 edge-side-includes Q140171 macro Q397254 script Q7389283 yacas Q1454960 linda Q1461865 mimic Q6716125 business-basic Q1017547 plankalkul Q34280 acorn-atom Q2043357 sibelius-software Q240110 ops5 Q7072853 liberty-basic Q1823021 visualworks Q3561125 family-basic Q3066239 music-sp Q629795 go-bang Q3109515 watfiv Q7475315 casio-basic Q1022868 trac Q2842324 cadence-skill Q5016377 watcom Q1809573 parallax-propeller Q2051580 pilot Q2044212 quakec Q2122062 facelets Q917721 toontalk Q7824141 thue-programming-language Q3526013 genius-extension-language Q4039330 augeas Q207663 oak Q10318621 chip-8 Q1023623 morfik Q284338 starlogo Q4050034 graphml Q1543325 query-by-example Q114486 structured-text Q1753738 msx-basic Q265039 amigabasic Q426038 xpl Q4021505 fjolnir Q3481158 judoscript Q6304189 coco-r Q446465 property-specification-language Q751505 hal-s Q667290 strongtalk Q2357042 basic-256 Q4034670 kid Q4042184 sketchpad Q1370184 hla Q2630324 ibm-i-control-language Q263490 toi Q28457672 bancstar-programming-language Q4834591 pop-2 Q7120003 newsqueak Q262003 bro Q413395 godel Q3294091 spir Q20820603 basic-plus Q4834657 mdx-lang Q1771973 li-chen-wang Q3831488 euler Q907880 information-processing-language Q776372 fen-notation Q719519 vissim Q369244 quel Q6125402 xotcl Q4053333 rtl-2 Q7277848 reduce Q1857633 powerisa Q13637178 trig-syntax Q7839811 easytrieve Q1278381 draco-programming-language Q5304638 foil Q5426845 zimbu Q92885 algebraic-modeling-language Q4724010 color-basic Q5148548 pbasic Q2031067 krc Q375533 neliac Q6953482 function-block-diagram Q625752 hp-time-shared-basic Q5635739 mybb Q1049445 rapid Q7275797 fractran Q3063395 stos-basic Q1169476 business-process-modeling-language Q290768 methodology-description-language Q6715155 dsd Q265904 oem Q2011667 m2001 Q6713689 comit Q1024000 basic4ppc Q4866929 janus Q225258 n-triples Q44044 a-sharp Q1049708 ptx Q7134977 joule Q6294583 fl Q5426589 aimms Q4651947 qif Q750657 uniface Q2143563 cache-objectscript Q5016025 lite-c Q1865057 wmlscript Q924660 poplog Q7229443 espol Q1275955 euclid Q5406088 lc-3 Q6457333 qtscript Q2562193 tal Q389350 asic-programming-language Q297730 visual-objects Q1309721 theos-multi-user-basic Q7670242 sqr Q3459986 vtml Q7907617 ceemac Q5010234 turbo-basic-xl Q1753898 autocoder Q336945 pyrex Q3411311 edinburgh-imp Q5338206 magma Q3032255 george Q5513190 coordinate-format Q6787857 swrl Q3478367 kuka Q25245640 notation3 Q1424987 balanced-ternary-notation Q2346165 c-al Q1926221 action-code-script Q3604815 cobolscript Q3681874 dap-fortran Q5204273 model-204 Q6888180 synapse Q3506727 guix Q18968627 sdf Q447161 hytime Q1799609 plex Q7119636 optimized-systems-software Q2027332 x-bitmap-format Q1817318 gremlin Q5607337 newp Q6953629 forte-4gl Q3748867 parlog Q7139110 xpl0 Q7475390 macsyma Q1883071 isetl Q2205923 chained-arrow-notation Q180168 processor-technology Q3922428 atlas-autocode Q4117415 sawzall Q970424 id Q5986860 algol-68-r Q4652356 graphics-basic Q5597184 imp Q5972087 exec-2 Q5324679 small-c Q7542590 dml Q425244 ccd Q4036511 aplus Q277710 gellish Q2648698 databus Q4890413 short-code-computer-language Q2566011 winwrap-basic Q8023615 cbasic Q1022951 gist Q83567 cda Q1101527 axiom-computer-algebra-system Q509474 ognl Q262666 instruction-list Q613332 dda Q404442 rocky-mountain-basic Q1566023 python-for-s60 Q7263936 sp-k Q7392398 webdna Q7978443 scsh Q7439368 odrl Q3883056 claire Q5125133 urbiscript Q7585520 energese-notation Q5376991 flowcode Q5462122 atari-st-basic Q3627876 obliq Q7075164 simons-basic Q568887 mlab Q17081723 pl-p Q7119556 synon Q7662591 xcas Q3570844 sac-programming-language Q7388480 3mf Q15029253 idl-sl Q17092270 mheg-5 Q1701057 aplusplus Q4646840 atlas Q667812 tacl Q598722 stockholm-format Q7618055 pnuts Q4047113 icalendar-format Q284651 sensetalk Q7450966 cecil Q7427136 codegear-delphi Q487378 ruby-document-format Q7376311 basic4android Q17085538 chicken Q283456 chinese-basic Q2876705 gdata Q5513112 pro-star-c Q2111340 de-bruijn-index-notation Q5244288 yabasic Q1930734 cycl Q3890214 le-lisp Q6507148 atari-microsoft-basic Q661979 pl-c Q7119554 esc-p Q1275874 hotdog Q5909604 sequencel Q7452449 m-expressions Q4043323 informix Q2816938 prograph Q7248516 dolittle Q11235870 linotte Q3241663 clpr Q5012783 chrome-programming-language Q910482 gema Q350432 dinkc Q594880 chipmunk-basic Q2858104 darkbasic Q4051095 apple-basic Q588806 mortran Q6914983 camal Q16247009 cif Q2713137 schematron Q1780096 mai-basic-four Q1682561 ease Q5327483 jean Q6108047 elan Q1275046 laning-and-zierler-system Q6487099 iptscrae Q5973118 arith-matic Q4653791 ibm-basica Q174841 fxml Q5427382 beta-basic Q3507900 spice-lisp Q3493421 abc-80 Q287115 metapost Q1265836 tutor Q7672049 miva Q3026464 optimj Q3354460 small Q7391044 3apl Q4636211 enterprise-mashup-markup-language Q5380335 sako Q9326009 nord Q7050550 graal Q417519 rapidq Q3419577 scm Q7389181 split-c Q7578596 preferred-executable-format Q7239840 daisy-systems Q5209773 magik Q9026871 text-executive-programming-language Q7475278 wirth-syntax-notation Q8027023 formula Q5470342 macro-11 Q4043371 cms-pipelines Q5675045 devil Q1206610 makedoc Q6738877 nvdl Q1964233 augment Q760434 ibm-basic Q174841 run-basic Q7379495 signal Q7390335 miis Q6716041 ttm Q7671956 quikscript Q7265604 nexml Q25100386 metacomco Q1924660 linc-4gl Q6458741 tynker Q22909519 portable-standard-lisp Q7231352 polymorphic-programming-language Q7226597 xbel Q641213 hp-gl Q1422842 game-oriented-assembly-lisp Q5519874 ciao-programming-language Q5119098 refer Q7307091 kaleidoscope Q6351981 tscript Q17155042 fasttrack-scripting-host Q5436883 knowledge-interchange-format Q354163 cullinet Q5193036 pqq Q2072087 steinhaus-moser-notation Q2092313 cam Q5165063 croma Q16770025 zbasic Q8062970 ttcn Q2007031 isbl Q16918473 sbcl Q1427296 mallard-basic Q6744080 lisp-2 Q6458813 basic-ap Q465747 piet-programming-language Q610140 chill Q642207 pico Q3902685 abbreviated-test-language-for-all-systems Q2560076 obj-programming-language Q7072323 cgol Q5010978 zeno Q7475367 daplex Q5221783 argus Q3622471 gamemonkey-script Q4039236 basicode Q795456 mark-iv Q6714477 harwell-boeing-format Q1587964 spitbol Q7392587 ikarus Q5995404 saol Q17135638 southampton-basic-system Q7569098 extended-ml Q3393817 basic-e Q1022951 universe Q7355146 aadl Q2860281 trellis Q7838010 kawa-scheme-implementation Q722867 data-general-business-basic Q5227170 b32-business-basic Q4834395 uiml Q2467165 visual-test Q7936576 snaptag Q7547245 transaction-language-1 Q4536469 gtf-format Q5531566 medusa Q1881342 scratchpad Q1476372 ids Q437284 dynamo Q5206860 eurisko Q3060518 aztec-c Q4832937 lambda-prolog Q3594646 vilnius-basic Q4081244 gforth Q5555121 upic Q3131599 mapper Q3287251 join-java Q6268991 election-markup-language Q5354535 flapjax Q5457453 rascalmpl Q7294734 cheetah Q5089449 Q4046509 alma-0 Q4733507 work-flow-language Q8034564 agentspeak Q4692056 bcx Q4835263 cornell-university-programming-language Q5171570 convert Q235969 genexus Q3100720 ais Q56277256 lava Q6502171 elliott-algol Q5365609 galaksija-basic Q5517904 pact-i Q7118053 basic-11 Q4834659 rpp Q7273242 scriptbasic Q7439204 fenix-project Q2119351 kqml Q613270 dibol Q5205093 alf Q4723982 proteus-programming-language Q3924253 lse Q3206154 d4 Q783086 texy Q7708537 lil Q6650398 alphard-programming-language Q4735267 nxt-g Q926094 clix Q19596411 basic09 Q4834660 macbasic Q4043528 abset Q4650401 agora Q4693571 tmg Q1754079 fpgac Q5477411 sympl Q7395256 basic4gl Q4866927 gnu-e Q5514022 commonloops Q5153266 ca-realizer Q1022696 flacc Q7474757 batari-basic Q4812825 bywater-basic Q1563151 ccr Q5165421 aui Q300101 amiga-programming-languages Q16002883 spip Q1536426 hopscotch Q17091945 nomad-software Q17157203 pascal-script Q16616746 snoop Q3487179 openroad Q2025504 concurrent-ml Q2992227 nyquist Q408361 think-c Q4050584 guido-music-notation Q5514807 simpl Q7390400 easylanguage Q5331070 jet-propulsion-laboratory-display-information-system Q6188878 visual-smalltalk-enterprise Q7936571 mapbasic Q6753717 pv-wave Q7121115 aplx Q4653328 dcat Q16892890 meta-ii Q6715473 omnis-studio Q1460443 protel Q7251525 easy Q11088328 sbml Q452197 itl Q406139 renderman-shading-language Q5368813 tom Q7424115 little-b Q6652643 zpl Q2778787 plexil Q7119633 lithe Q6647837 wcps Q7978511 brown-university-interactive-language Q4976335 diana Q5205085 wsfn-programming-language Q4017069 leap Q6457572 string-diagrams-notation Q7623974 iif Q6059108 palasm Q3740564 wol Q236676 framework-office-suite Q489330 algol-n Q4652360 apse Q4653417 twelf Q7666857 tasm Q7687383 keysight-vee Q393768 spl Q4991413 ruleml Q631877 proiv Q108749718 garp Q3093113 cs-script Q5014010 slip Q7390955 demos Q4153388 flex-lang Q8563758 rexon Q7319384 visual-dataflex Q2391203 object-z Q7075005 lyapas Q6460486 alphabasic Q4734946 ps-algol Q7120559 cmu-common-lisp Q1023897 colorforth Q4036419 robot-battle Q5236137 val Q2227838 infer Q408386 s-sl Q12179525 atom Q4817198 alpha-programming-language Q4734969 altran Q4652452 dasl Q1150963 lis Q6458817 gauche Q5527588 ecological-metadata-language Q5333215 yap-prolog Q8045821 hascript Q5968837 zopl Q7475348 fx-87 Q5427374 jaws-scripting-language Q6107741 shex Q29377880 business-object-notation Q5001773 cybil Q5197880 datapoint-dasl Q5204326 formac Q5426889 supertalk Q7642069 high-tech-basic Q1566023 pascal-mtp Q7141645 limdep Q971216 daml Q1151701 sasl-programming-language Q4048691 tymshare-superbasic Q7860427 larceny Q6488740 napier88 Q6964898 alcor Q4652259 nested-context-language Q6997801 typographical-number-theory Q1052753 sisc Q7390480 powerhouse-programming-language Q7236198 secure-operations-language Q7424380 uncol Q7865218 snit Q2129492 ometa Q18355607 zigzag Q8071747 actor Q4677713 gello Q5530476 npl Q6955040 matita Q6787610 mama-software Q10851621 sr Q446168 ifps Q5970836 lynx Q6709560 abstract-state-machine-language Q4669931 ca-telon Q2383975 snowball-programming-language Q7548444 minc Q6716140 owbasic Q2008257 phoenix-object-basic Q110885022 smalltalk-mt Q7543696 object-oberon Q7075040 ramis-software Q7289634 subtext Q7475887 cal Q5008636 fuzzyclips Q4039083 pvs Q3408184 real-time-cmix Q7300772 tektronix Q7695504 information-algebra Q6030963 occam-pi Q7075672 strand-programming-language Q7621223 abcl Q2818994 eumel Q1797809 pict Q7191089 corvision Q5169369 ial Q395754 chip-programming-language Q5011170 datatrieve Q5204332 ambit Q4652541 business-application-language Q5001840 iitran Q5971386 tefkat Q7694633 compact-application-solution-language Q5155269 fxscript Q5427390 20-gate Q4887138 northstar-basic Q7053613 sbasic Q7388923 tiger-basic Q7801344 advanced-continuous-simulation-language Q4686176 averest Q2874223 mumath Q2711123 palcode Q4046152 hummingbird-quickscript Q5941042 xgmml Q8041961 filetab Q5448405 service-modeling-language Q1751355 joe-e Q6208245 o-matrix Q7072014 sa-c-programming-language Q7388405 beflix Q4835421 data-access-language Q5227139 nuprl Q22907407 kl0 Q6332350 qute Q11297509 absys Q4650409 cql Q417275 pl-11 Q7119550 roop Q7277404 kermeta Q3195466 coffee-cinema-4d Q5013287 macroml Q6725127 visual-dialogscript Q2715148 iptables-rope Q6064831 51forth Q4639984 concurrent-metatem Q5159101 canon-capsl Q5015156 corbascript Q5169707 revolution-programming-language Q3068282 baby-modula-3 Q4838445 hbasic Q4115341 xdr Q8041753 sox Q7431120 rebeca-modeling-language Q7301633 sort-merge-generator Q7563758 clx Q407240 maria-xml Q6714469 scriptol Q4049196 adenine-programming-language Q5687237 o-xml Q7072276 tacpol-programming-language Q7669188 r2ml Q7274488 jsml Q6165023 robic Q4395116 symbolic-assembly Q55634513 lispme Q6559084 objectpal Q2791660 sheerpower4gl Q7492487 flexml Q3073507 grml Q5514485 thinglab Q7784321 mawk Q6794411 rasp Q25100786 runrev Q7379478 xmtc Q7665689 ape100 Q3601103 basicx Q4866931 proset Q7246691 muddl Q6719039 mudlle Q839777 multi-user-basic Q6934517 x-basic Q1758277 xupdate Q177873 smarts Q7544680 klerer-may-system Q6420637 lkif Q60791602 http-3 Q58797190 ```

Some example WikiData sites:

javascript: cpp: perl: r: rust: prolog: dart: ocaml: opencl: nim: fish:

tif-calin commented 1 year ago

See larger discussion here: #337

I'll see if I can get a PR up for the above results soon and explore the crawler logic a bit. If someone enters in the Wikipedia page for a programming language we should be able to automatically get the corresponding WikiData entry. However some languages might have WD entries despite not having WP pages so we should still support manual entry somehow

tif-calin commented 1 year ago

Didn't manage to get to it this weekend, sorryy. Here's the script I used if anyone's interested in doing it themselves (tbh, I likely won't have much time till the next weekend to finish it)

hassamalhajaji commented 1 year ago

Hi @tif-calin. Thanks for the getting this started.

Do you still have that script?

breck7 commented 2 months ago

This would be neat but going to close for now. Reopen/send PR if desired