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Have 10+ svgs/animated gifs/etc on homepage that show what Tree notation is and why its useful #60

Closed breck7 closed 4 years ago

breck7 commented 5 years ago

ideas for images/animations: [] code you can hold in your hand [] clinicians EMR on paper [] html + css + js in 1 syntax [] future of web forms [] new educational programming languages [] visual programming [] program synthesis [] strongly typed SSVs [] compile to SQL, JSON, XML, etc [] for assemblies [] future computer architectures (tree machines) [] a rigorous mathematics (starting from 0 to 1 and building everything else up) [] tax returns [] laws ( [] scheduling [] dataflow language [] logic lang ( [] log files ( [] crypto (

breck7 commented 5 years ago


[] The UX is terrible: “Why Tree Notation?” question is groupped together with a bunch of links. Tried to click it, and nothing happenned. Totally not intuitive that the links are the answers for the question. If this is a heading for the group of links under it, than it should be emphasized by typography and some spacing.

[] There is no useful information in it: the supposed answers are sketchy pictures and don’t answer anything at all. “Bug free data” and some kind of text processor autocorrect resembling drawing is presented. What the hell does it mean? How is it bug free data? “Programs are spreadsheets”? What? Is that good? Nothing is elaborated just some single sentence bullshit and sketchess are presented.

It seems like we should: [] clean up the UX so it's more obvious that this is a slideshow type thing [] improve each picture, and put more thought into them. [] continue to improve the FAQ as well [] improve the scribbles

breck7 commented 5 years ago

[] Also from X and L: link all the drawings to real source code [] Improve the sandboxes.

breck7 commented 5 years ago

[] have a paragraph description of each image.

breck7 commented 5 years ago

More good feedback:

The previous page failed because it didn’t succinctly explain what Tree Notation for, why it’s useful, nor how it does that job better than existing systems and languages in the field of computing (e.g. S-expressions), instead making vague allusions to how it’s “like binary” and has “no syntax” (which doesn’t appear to be true) or how it was intended to be a universal standard. (For what? I still don’t know.)

This current page takes a huge step backwards. In the previous one, you can at least glean some information from the text. This, here, has no information other than the scribbly, child-like drawings, and a bunch of links that look like they take you to more information but don’t.

breck7 commented 5 years ago

More good feedback:

I like the drawings. The #heroImage.title could update for each one, to explain a little: I’m not quite sure what Works Offline means (you can write it on paper?), Bug Free Data (are we talking about enum-based cells?).

I’m starting to wrap my head around it. It’s like hierarchical plaintext, with user-definable schemas with a lot of built-in cell types (intCell, boolCell) along with free-form cell types (match x, enum x y, pattern rx, ..?). What exactly counts as an intCell, I’m not really sure. But I do feel like the drawings help.

breck7 commented 5 years ago

Get accessibility back. Move it to TCF. "I found it easy to navigate and a clean design. My main criticisms are accessibility-related. You should be able to do everything on these pages without JS, but the menu doesn’t appear with JS disabled. This leads me to believe that you didn’t do much testing. Also, a good portion of the content (all the examples) are in images with no alt-text, and titles that don’t match the image."

breck7 commented 4 years ago

moving issue to other repo