breck7 / scrollsdk

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DumbdownLang: Dumbdown improvements #61

Closed breck7 closed 3 years ago

breck7 commented 5 years ago

[] table [] comment [] compile to HTML or markdown [] ship as a browser product. [] provide instructions for using in browser [] ship with ohayo

breck7 commented 5 years ago

What happens if you have a readme.html in GitHub? Does it show it just like If so, let's switch all our md files to dumbdown/html, perhaps.

breck7 commented 5 years ago

table could use SSV, something like:

 planet diameter
 stringCell lengthCell
 Jupiter 10000km
breck7 commented 5 years ago

Also let's make a ReleaseNotes grammar that extends dumbdown.

breck7 commented 3 years ago

dd is now Scrolldown and has most of these