breese / trial.protocol

Network wire protocols
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Test fails to build on Windows #1

Open vinipsmaker2 opened 7 years ago

vinipsmaker2 commented 7 years ago


C:\projects\trial-protocol\test\bintoken\decoder_suite.cpp(1362): error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0 [C:\projects\trial-protocol\build\test\bintoken\bintoken_decoder_suite.vcxproj]

That points to the following code:

It should be an easy fix.

breese commented 7 years ago

They are fixed now, along with a few other errors due to my incorrect use of std::array.

The only remaining errors are linker errors (it cannot link with libboost_serialization) that I have no clue about.

There are a couple of warnings as well, but none of them seem important, so I will look into them at a later time.