breese / trial.protocol

Network wire protocols
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Use error specializations thoroughly #40

Closed vinipsmaker closed 4 years ago

vinipsmaker commented 4 years ago

There is a topic from your blog:

Better yet, define an mpg123::error exception that inherits from std::system_error, so exceptions from the mpg123 adapter can be distinguished from other system_error exceptions in the try-catch block.

I just noticed that you use this trick in the library (and then remembered your blog post):

include/trial/protocol/json/error.hpp:class error : public std::system_error

However, the PR for the skip algorithm I've sent previously (I was playing with json::partial::skip() lately) doesn't follow this trick and throws system_error directly:

breese commented 4 years ago

Good catch. Fixed in 4bdf90747944f24b61aa9dbde92d8f6dd6758c94