breese / trial.protocol

Network wire protocols
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Use asciidoc to document new pages #58

Open vinipsmaker opened 3 years ago

vinipsmaker commented 3 years ago

So Boost.Predef already uses asciidoc to document stuff:

Could we use asciidoc from now on too? Current docs kind of stalled already, so I guess it's not very “fun” to touch QuickBook. Maybe asciidoc helps.

breese commented 3 years ago


In fact, I started converting the documentation to asciidoc four years ago, but never completed it due to time constraints.

lemosjose commented 1 year ago

I see it's still open, you can send the unfinished asciidoc files and i can finish then and start moving things to a antora documentation, i think it would be better to use it, since it's the recommended by asciidoctor and includes a pretty good UI already by default.

vinipsmaker commented 1 year ago

@breese, @lemosjose has been helping me with docs infra in a project of mine. You can see a live example of the Antora he mentioned at

breese commented 1 year ago

I have pushed my initial conversion to the branch feature/asciidoc.

I do not recall exactly how much was done, but I suspect very little.