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Automate referencing SDK branches #782

Open erdemyerebasmaz opened 4 months ago

erdemyerebasmaz commented 4 months ago

Hey @breez/breez-developers,

Our current workflows run against main branch of SDK and although we've recently added an option to run CI/CD triggers targeting a specific SDK reference

which makes it easier to run workflows for sdk-integration PR's against their respective branches, this process is not automated and requires developers to set the reference name and manually run the workflows.


We suggest using & referencing the same branch name that opens a pull request on SDK by default and fallback to main branch if it does not exist.

c-breez@example-branch will reference breez-sdk@example-branch and if it does not exist it'll reference breez-sdk@main

For manually triggered workflows, the input value from Add option to run CI/CD triggers on specific SDK branches #780 will take precedence over others.

ref value -> branch name -> main

Possible Issues

We keep branches at minimum and tidy on c-breez but there still may be a branch name conflict where a branch with the same name already exists on c-breez. Branch renaming can get messy and nevertheless, I'd like to avoid setting a strict branch name convention.

To prevent developers to check if the branch name exists on c-breez beforehand, an identifier such as username may be added as a prefix or a suffix to branch name as some of our developers are already doing today- @ok300 uses ok300-, @dangeross uses savage-- on SDK features that require an integration to c-breez.

Please let me know your thoughts on this or other ideas you might have to automate this process. Thank you.

ok300 commented 4 months ago

The idea sounds good to me. Simple and effective.

JssDWt commented 4 months ago


I think there's a few prerequisites

ademar111190 commented 4 months ago

Adding my two cents; I have been using my initials aa/; the only difference is I'm using / instead of -; Some git software uses folders like structures based on slashes which helps organization; something like: