breezefront / theme-frontend-breeze-blank

Breeze Blank Theme
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How can we incorporate Maganto Native Utilities? #7

Open IbrahimS2 opened 2 weeks ago

IbrahimS2 commented 2 weeks ago

Various modules use Magento Utilities, how can we incorporate it to help with the third-party integration?

vovayatsyuk commented 2 weeks ago

Which of utils are you using?

vovayatsyuk commented 2 weeks ago

Here is how we added some of them:

IbrahimS2 commented 2 weeks ago

@vovayatsyuk Why not have the entire folder that we can use as reference when needed,

vovayatsyuk commented 2 weeks ago

Because it's a time and support when something goes wrong. We are not interested in adding everything from luma into breeze-blank.

You can add the utilities you need into your integration.