bregySilvan / TabSolution

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Clientside Post /board #32

Open SvenHutter opened 6 years ago

SvenHutter commented 6 years ago

The Form from the client will be transferred to the Server through POST. Attention on Interface specification will be necessary.

Christian-Seematter commented 6 years ago

Good start! Most of the basic info is there, but you can flesh this out a bit. For one I'm wondering what communication is necessary. You have your tasks listed here, and maybe there is an interface definition somewhere now, so I can only speculate. It could be about the data being send, details on the server-side implementation, the response from the server not being clear... In these cases it's important to be specific what you are still missing to complete this issue. Are you already aware of all things that are still unclear? If not, think about it until you know what you still have to ask!

Hint: Add enquiring about these things to the tasklist, those should be the first steps if there are still open questions. You can then start with the next tasks already while you wait for responses on the details.

So I'm wondering what data you are POSTing exactly. If this was defined it makes sense to document it and link to it here. If it was not documented yet, simply include it! You can create a code block this:

  "data": {
    "title": "Movie Title (String)",
    "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit....",
    "picture": "online img_URL (String)?"

If "communication with server team... will be necessary" was relating to this, make a proposal like this if there is no standard yet! Somebody has to take the initiative. Then make sure that's communicated back to the team.

Tip: Create a single source of truth for the interface! This can be a wiki page here on github or just in the (located in the root of the project). @bregySilvan created this. You can see there that the payload (the data you send with your request) for POST /title/${id} is currently defined as just sending the ID, so there is a mistake there. Also there is no post for /board. Get in touch!

Additionally you can mention any limitations that you might already be aware of. What are you doing with the server's response? What happens after the POST? This might not be clear yet - but if it is, put it in. Don't wait with all details to decide until you have implemented part of the issue and your implementation makes the decision for you! Deciding late can be good, if you are in fact still gathering information, but too late is terrible.

Sidenote: It's the contents of the form you are transferring not the form itself. And "save to JSON" implies that you are saving it into a file. I assume you mean transforming the form's contents to JSON. Also your last task says "Send ... GET /board", I assume this should be POST? It's important to express yourself concisely.

This is a lot of feedback, but don't take that as a sign that the initial issue description is terrible. It just needs some clarification and a bit more information.

SvenHutter commented 6 years ago

OnSubmit() might be hard to implement --> wip

olinator98 commented 6 years ago

@SvenHutter In the branch #34 I've implemented an onClick() function.

Thats the code for the onClick(): **<button (click)="giveItOut()">Show it</button> <button (click)="onBoardSelected()">show last selected board</button>**

SvenHutter commented 6 years ago

Can be closed as soon as it gets merged

SvenHutter commented 6 years ago

code has been copypasted to #34's code.