bremme / arduino-tm1637

Arduino library for using a 4 digit seven segment display with TM1636 or TM1637 driver IC
GNU General Public License v2.0
164 stars 62 forks source link

support change numbers for each digit separately #46

Open strunx opened 4 years ago

strunx commented 4 years ago


Is there a chance to get a function into your great library like:

showNumber(number, pos=0, length=4, leading_zeros=false) pos=0 -> left digit

So there is the posibillity to set and change numbers for each digit separately, like e.g.

showNumber(2,0,2,true) showNumber(1,2,1,false) showNumber(5,3,1,false)

result: 02.1.5

showNumber(22,0,2,true) showNumber(3,2,2,true)

result: 22.03

(for the Dots-positions we need the other Issue-support solved ;-)) )


bremme commented 4 years ago

When I find some time to work on the library again I take all these suggestion in consideration. But for the time being why not use a function in your sketch to accomplish this. You should be able to build something using print() and setCursor I guess.