brendan-duncan / archive

Dart library to encode and decode various archive and compression formats, such as Zip, Tar, GZip, ZLib, and BZip2.
MIT License
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Compatibility with Java Deflater #271

Closed Gieted closed 1 year ago

Gieted commented 1 year ago

It looks like data compressed using Java's built-in Deflater cannot be uncompressed using archive's Inflate.

In JVM/Kotlin:

fun deflate(input: ByteArray): ByteArray {
    val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
    DeflaterOutputStream(outputStream, Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION)).use {

    return outputStream.toByteArray()

fun main() {
    val compressed = deflate("test".toByteArray())
    val base64 = Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(compressed)

Then in Dart:

void main() {
  const compressed = "eNorSS0uAQAEXQHB";
  final decoded = base64Url.decode(compressed);
  final decompressed = Inflate(decoded).getBytes(); // returns and empty list
  final decompressedString = utf8.decode(decompressed);

This seems weird as both are supposed to use the same "deflate" algorithm.

Gieted commented 1 year ago

Never mind, you just need to set nowrap parameter to true, and then it works:

fun deflate(input: ByteArray): ByteArray {
    val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
    DeflaterOutputStream(outputStream, Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, true)).use {

    return outputStream.toByteArray()