brendanhay / amazonka

A comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK for Haskell.
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Add DuplicateRecordFields to default-extensions field #1005

Open alexbiehl opened 4 days ago

alexbiehl commented 4 days ago

I am toying around with ghc-9.10.1 in our production code base and it looks like I need to put

package amazonka-sts
    ghc-options: -XDuplicateRecordFields

package amazonka-s3
    ghc-options: -XDuplicateRecordFields

package amazonka-ses
    ghc-options: -XDuplicateRecordFields

package amazonka-sso
    ghc-options: -XDuplicateRecordFields


into our cabal.project file for the Amazonka packages to build. Would be great if Amazonka provided that out of the box. Other than this issue and an allow-newer to override the base bounds, the above packages build and work just fine.