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Exponential backoff for DynamoDB BatchGet and BatchWrite #307

Open wuzzeb opened 8 years ago

wuzzeb commented 8 years ago

BatchGet and BatchWrite both return an UnprocessedItems (see The documentation states that if DynamoDB returns any unprocessed items, the request should be retried with just the unprocessed items using exponential backoff.

Any ideas?

wuzzeb commented 8 years ago

Here is what I have now. batchGet I only read from a single table in my app so I made my life easier, but an approach like batchWrite could also be used. Each chunk of 100 for get and 25 for write (the maximum number of items allowed by AWS) starts a new exponential backoff. Warning: only lightly tested.

expBackoff :: MonadIO m => RetryPolicyM m
expBackoff = limitRetries 10 ++ fullJitterBackoff (50*1000)  -- 50 milliseconds on first

batchGetSrc :: MonadAWS m => Text -> KeysAndAttributes -> Source m [HashMap Text AttributeValue]
batchGetSrc table initialKeys =
  case NonEmpty.splitAt 100 (initialKeys^.kaaKeys) of
    (first100, rest) -> do
      batchGetSrcChunk table (initialKeys & kaaKeys .~ NonEmpty.fromList first100)
      unless (null rest) $
        batchGetSrc table (initialKeys & kaaKeys .~ NonEmpty.fromList rest)

batchGetSrcChunk :: MonadAWS m => Text -> KeysAndAttributes -> Source m [HashMap Text AttributeValue]
batchGetSrcChunk table initialKeys = loop (singletonMap table initialKeys) defaultRetryStatus
    loop unprocessedKeys retry = do
      resp <- lift $ send $ batchGetItem & bgiRequestItems .~ unprocessedKeys
      yieldMany $ resp^..bgirsResponses . ix table
      unless (null $ resp^.bgirsUnprocessedKeys) $ do
        retry' <- applyAndDelay expBackoff retry
        case retry' of
          Nothing -> throwM $ DatabaseError "Hit maximum number of retries in batchGetSrcChunk"
          Just r -> loop (resp^.bgirsUnprocessedKeys) r

batchWrite :: MonadAWS m => HashMap Text (NonEmpty WriteRequest) -> m ()
batchWrite m | null m = return ()
             | foldl' (\x y -> x + length y) 0 m <= 25 = batchWriteChunk m -- short circuit when at most 25 total
             | otherwise = go 0 mempty $ mapToList m
    go _ reqs [] = unless (null reqs) $ batchWriteChunk reqs
    go size reqs ((tbl,x):xs) = case NonEmpty.splitAt (25 - size) x of
      (firstChunk, rest) -> do
        let newSize = size + length firstChunk
        let newReqs = insertMap tbl (NonEmpty.fromList firstChunk) reqs
        let remainingReqs = if null rest then xs else insertMap tbl (NonEmpty.fromList rest) xs
        if newSize == 25
          then batchWriteChunk newReqs >> go 0 mempty remainingReqs
          else go newSize newReqs remainingReqs

batchWriteChunk :: MonadAWS m => HashMap Text (NonEmpty WriteRequest) -> m ()
batchWriteChunk initial = loop initial defaultRetryStatus
    loop unprocessedWrites retry = do
      resp <- send $ batchWriteItem & bwiRequestItems .~ unprocessedWrites
      unless (null $ resp^.bwirsUnprocessedItems) $ do
        retry' <- applyAndDelay expBackoff retry
        case retry' of
          Nothing -> throwM $ DatabaseError "Hit maximum number of retries in batchWriteChunk"
          Just r -> loop (resp^.bwirsUnprocessedItems) r
brendanhay commented 8 years ago

Hmm. This is a tough one and the exact use case (changing of the request per retry action) hasn't come up before.

I'm going to write a small test project at the end of the week and see if I can explore some simple way to support this.

AlexeyRaga commented 6 years ago

@brendanhay I know this issue is old, but since then have you found an easier way to have an exponential backoff with Amazonka? Preferably for other services too, I am interested in S3 mostly?

endgame commented 2 years ago

For something like S3, exponential backoff should be fine with the tools in the Retry type:

The problem with dynamodb here is that you get a successful response that indicates a partial processing of the input. At which point the caller is expected to craft a new response after a delay. Is S3 asking you to do that sort of rewriting (genuinely curious - I'm not 100% familiar with the guts of the S3 API)?