brendanhay / amazonka

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Investigate compilation performance using large-records #717

Open brendanhay opened 2 years ago

brendanhay commented 2 years ago

I've been meaning to try out large-records and collect some data regarding comparative compilation performance.

The large-records library itself has an unfortunate dependency on haskell-src-exts which I wouldn't want to have Amazonka proper depend on, but the crux of that blog post is why compiling amazonka-ec2 (prior to the type-per-module split) has the reputation it does - due to emitting gigabytes(!) of core.

It'd be nice to test/confirm this - if the gains are significant it might be worth further investigation into the possibility of trimming down large-records or emitting our own vector-backed records.

endgame commented 2 years ago

I had a brief look at this. The biggest problem that I see is that large-records use their own Generic class, and while there's a lens module in large-records, it'd be a pretty grim user experience to force everyone downstream to write their own adapters from large-record lenses into their own lens library.

ghost commented 2 years ago

A possible alternative may be generics-sop which does have its own Generic class, but anything with a GHC Generic instance automatically has one. If this PR ever gets merged, then the in memory representation will be the same as large-record (Vector (f Any)). Not sure if the work to make compilation fast for large-records compile fast has been done for that package though, and it may not actually meet the need to produce sane Core.