brendanhay / amazonka

A comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK for Haskell.
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Flags to select auth methods for available to `amazonka` by default #961

Open endgame opened 10 months ago

endgame commented 10 months ago

By providing appropriate flags, we could toggle the dependency on amazonka-sts and amazonka-sso. This reduces the footprint when compiling things that just have to run on EC2 with a single instance role or whatever.

endgame commented 4 months ago says:

Question: I like to let the user enable extended functionality using a Cabal flag. Is this the right way?

Answer: Certainly not. Since other packages can distinguish packages only according to their name and their version, it is not a good idea to allow different APIs for the same package version. Cumbersome as it is you have to move extra features to a separate package.

So either we'll need another approach, or will just have to abandon the idea.