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Throw dedicated error for attempting EC2 auth not on EC2 #983

Open pbrisbin opened 5 months ago

pbrisbin commented 5 months ago

As discussed in #981:

Each link in the discover chain should throw an AuthError to trigger moving onto the next link in the chain. If all links fail, then a CredentialChainExhausted error is thrown.

In the case of the final link, attempting an EC2 instance profile, the code was throwing CredentialChainExhausted if run not on EC2. Throwing when not on EC2 is important (to avoid an unnecessary and slow network request) but throwing this particular exception is surprising and only functions because this is the last link in said chain. If any other authentication mechanisms were added after it, they would never be reached.

To address this, a new constructor was added to AuthError to use instead. The name is very much up for debate. This is also the first case of a nullary constructor besides CredentialChainExhausted, so I wasn't sure what to do in AsAuthError -- please advise.

The original discussion mentioned introduce two new errors:

One to say "we don't think we're on a network with an IMDS" and one for "IMDS fetch failed"?

I did think about this and found that the second case is already throwing a specific error (RetrievalError), so I only changed the first case.