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Error handling in periodic credential update #989

Open ynishinaka opened 3 months ago

ynishinaka commented 3 months ago

The fromWebIdentity passes to fetchAuthInBackground the action that performs the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity [1]. AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity may throw ServiceError (as exception Amazonka.Types.Error), not just HTTPException. However, fetchAuthInBackground catches and throws only HTTPException to the original thread by throwTo, leaving other exceptions to the default handler [2]. Thus, if a ServiceError is thrown, the temporary credential update will be interrupted without the original thread being aware of it.

So, I believe that fetchAuthInBackground should either re-throw other exceptions raised by the action to the original thread or have some error recovery method.


[2] Because the RetrievalError constructor accepts an argument of type HTTPException, e must be of the same type: