brendanheywood / theCrag-DEFUNCT

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Enhance route styles, trad, deep water solo, dws, sport etc #68

Open scd opened 13 years ago

scd commented 13 years ago

If a climb is flagged as 'sport' it comes up as such in the list or guide view. However if a climb is flagged as 'trad' it still displays 'free'. I suggest it should say 'trad'

brendanheywood commented 13 years ago

There is some funny logic here that isn't trivial and I think it shouldn't be on the view layer. Some of these flags should change the style of the climb.

We may also need to change the way the flags are input and make some of them mutually exclusive.

If the flag 'Trad' is ticked then the 'style' is changed in the raw data from 'free' to 'trad' If the flag 'Sport' is ticked then the 'style' is changed in the raw data from 'free' to 'sport'

This should be behind the scenes and should cascade up in all the stats etc

Top rope is a bit funny as it could mean that its a face climb with no pro so you have to top rope it and it hasn't yet had a free ascent.,OR it could mean that you could top rope it. I think the later isn't very useful as there are very few climbs that you can't top rope so i think we should ditch the second meaning. If we do then the style should be changed as above to 'Top rope'.

The solo flag in my mind simply means the first guy to do it was a nutter and shouldn't reflect the normal style of the climb. Regardless of style you can always solo it. You could still climb it trad style so should be left at 'free'.

Deep water solo I think should change the style. However it could be a deepwater solo AND a sport climb at the same time.

Project shouldn't change the style at all. However it would be nice if someone estimates a grade like 'V6?' it changes the style to 'Boulder' so we have some info rather than just 'free'

scd commented 13 years ago

Agreed, that's why I put it in the todo list rather then just fix it. When it comes time to fixing this we will have our usual in depth discussion. What you have written is a good start.

brendanheywood commented 13 years ago

One the 'V6?' estimate I'm wondering wether your parser could pick up the ? and make it a wider range, so 'V6?' could be interpreted as 'V5-V7'. Is this even that useful?

scd commented 13 years ago

The parser does pick up the ?, so it knows it is an uncertain grade. This was used in the old system, but often lead to confusion so I don't do anything with it in the new system.

Even better the parser should pick up V5-7 if you put that in. This is one of the advantages of working with grade ranges.

At some point we have to do a couple of articles about this so people know how to best use thecrag.

brendanheywood commented 13 years ago

Summary from email discussion:

I think we are all in agreement - a sport route means you don't have to climb with any trad gear. It's all well and good us agreeing, but we should get some sort of policy document out there so other editors know. This also applies to our discussion on top rope.

I think if it has trad gear but a couple of bolts or hangers it is still a trad climb. You can input the number of bolts and still mark it as trad. I think the sport flag should be for purely sport climbs.

My own take: After all data entry is done, nothing should be 'free' it should all be assigned properly to sport or trad or whatever. 'free' is just a nice default until we know more.

brendanheywood commented 13 years ago

more discussion in this wave:,minimized:search,