brendanmorrell / eslint-plugin-styled-components-a11y

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Memory leak on project build! #40

Closed mario-iliev closed 2 years ago

mario-iliev commented 2 years ago

Hi guys! After jumping from version 0.0.34 to 0.0.39 our app couldn't finish the build process and Jenkins was running out of memory. It took me day and a half to locate the problematic packages because I updated several packages at once that day. So I started updating one by one. Sadly there are no errors or anything, just stuck forever in the building process. Try to reproduce by removing your node_modules and installing everything from scratch with latest version.

brendanmorrell commented 2 years ago

Thank you @mario-iliev and apologies for the issue. I just reverted the offending PR and published a new version (0.0.40). Please upgrade to 0.0.40 and the issue should be resolved. The broken versions (0.0.35-0.0.39) have also all been marked as deprecated. Let me know if you still run into issues after upgrading.