brendanpettis / Algorithm-Fundamentals

This is a class project that demonstrates some fundamental algorithms and data structures.
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Counting Sort #20

Open rutherfn opened 5 years ago

rutherfn commented 5 years ago

Doing counting sort.

brendanpettis commented 5 years ago

Sounds good!

rutherfn commented 5 years ago


function countingSort(arrayOne, min, max) // counting sort method, that takes in a array, min value, and max value to compare. { var i, z = 0, count = [];

for (i = min; i <= max; i++) {
    count[i] = 0;       // running a loop, to get count of said array. 

for (i=0; i < arrayOne.length; i++) {

for (i = min; i <= max; i++) {
    while (count[i]-- > 0) {
        arrayOne[z++] = i; // looping thorugh array until, the count is count array; is greater then 0. In other words,
                            // until there is no more values to loop thorugh. 

return arrayOne;
} var finalArray = [3, 0, 2, 5, 4, 1]; console.log("Original Array Elements"); console.log(finalArray); console.log("Sorted Array Elements"); console.log(countingSort(finalArray, 0, 6));

rutherfn commented 5 years ago

const Sort = require("./Sort"); // including previous .js function in order to animate algorithm.

const MAXVALUE = 20;

// User-configurable animation settings let delay = 500; let arraySize = 15;

// Page elements const unsortedTable = document.getElementById("unsorted-array"); const countingTable = document.getElementById("counting-array"); const sortedTable = document.getElementById("sorted-array"); const speedSelector = document.querySelector('#controls [name="speed"]'); const arraySizeSelector = document.querySelector( '#controls [name="array-size"]' ); const startButton = document.querySelector('#controls [name="start"]'); const stopButton = document.querySelector('#controls [name="stop"]');

// TimerIds let countingId; let sortingId;

// Array generation variables const arrayGeneration = { unsortedArray: null, sort: null, counts: null, };

// Iteration counting variables const counters = { i: 0, j: 0, counterValue: null, };

let isAnimationRunning = false;

// Event Listeners speedSelector.addEventListener("change", changeSpeed); arraySizeSelector.addEventListener("change", () => { arraySize = Math.round(Number(arraySizeSelector.value)); stopAnimation(); generatePageLayout(); if (isAnimationRunning) { startAnimation(); countingId = setTimeout(animateCountingArray, delay); } }); startButton.addEventListener("click", () => { stopAnimation(); resetCounters(); isAnimationRunning = true; startAnimation(); countingId = setTimeout(animateCountingArray, delay); }); stopButton.addEventListener("click", () => { stopAnimation(); isAnimationRunning = false; });

// Generate empty array placeholders generatePageLayout();

function generatePageLayout() {

// Generate unsortedArray placeholder and display for (let i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { const tableData = document.createElement("div"); tableData.className = "unsorted-item"; unsortedTable.appendChild(tableData); }

generateCountingArray(); generateSortingArray(); }

function changeSpeed() { delay = 1600 - this.value; }

function generateUnsortedArray() { for (let i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { const randomNumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * MAXVALUE); arrayGeneration.unsortedArray.push(randomNumber); const tableData = document.createElement("div"); tableData.textContent = randomNumber; = unsorted-item-${i}; tableData.className = "unsorted-item"; = setBackgroundColor(randomNumber); unsortedTable.appendChild(tableData); } }

function generateCountingArray() { for (let i = 1; i <= MAXVALUE; i++) { const tableContainer = document.createElement("div"); const tableLabel = document.createElement("div"); const tableData = document.createElement("div"); tableLabel.textContent = ${i}; tableLabel.className = "counting-label"; = counting-item-${i}; tableData.className = "counting-item"; tableData.textContent = 0; = setBackgroundColor(i); tableContainer.appendChild(tableLabel); tableContainer.appendChild(tableData); countingTable.appendChild(tableContainer); } }

function generateSortingArray() { for (let i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { const tableData = document.createElement("div"); = sorted-item-${i}; tableData.className = "sorted-item"; sortedTable.appendChild(tableData); } }

function setBackgroundColor(i) { // Colour hex values for items const colours = { red: "#FF4242", orange: "#FCA22D", yellow: "#E2E539", green: "#3BF994", blue: "#3B84F9", purple: "#DD3BF9", };

if (i <= 5) return; else if (i <= 10) return; else if (i <= 15) return colours.yellow; else if (i <= 20) return; else if (i <= 25) return; else return colours.purple; }

function startAnimation() { clearPage();

arrayGeneration.unsortedArray = []; generateUnsortedArray(); generateCountingArray(); generateSortingArray();

arrayGeneration.sort = new Sort(arrayGeneration.unsortedArray); arrayGeneration.counts = arrayGeneration.sort.sort(); }

function animateCountingArray() { // Remove the selected class from the previous iteration if (counters.i > 0) { const previousArrayItem = document.getElementById( unsorted-item-${counters.i - 1} ); const previousCountItem = document.getElementById( counting-item-${arrayGeneration.unsortedArray[counters.i - 1]} ); previousArrayItem.classList.remove("selected"); previousCountItem.classList.remove("selected"); } // Reset the counter and start the next animation if (counters.i === arraySize) { counters.i = 0; sortingId = setTimeout(animateSortedArray, delay); return; } // Add selected class and insert correct number const arrayItem = document.getElementById(unsorted-item-${counters.i}); const countItem = document.getElementById( counting-item-${arrayGeneration.unsortedArray[counters.i]} ); arrayItem.classList.add("selected"); countItem.classList.add("selected"); countItem.textContent = Number(countItem.textContent) + 1;

// Advance index counter counters.i++;

// Advance to next iteration countingId = setTimeout(animateCountingArray, delay); }

function animateSortedArray() { // Stop animating when we reach the end if (counters.j >= arrayGeneration.counts.length) { clearTimeout(sortingId); } // Clear selected class from previous iteration if (counters.i > 0) { const previousSortedItem = document.getElementById( sorted-item-${counters.i - 1} ); previousSortedItem.classList.remove("selected"); } // Finish here when we reach the end if (counters.i === arraySize) { const previousCountingItem = document.getElementById( counting-item-${arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j - 1][0]} ); previousCountingItem.classList.remove("selected"); counters.i = 0; counters.j = 0; counters.counterValue = null; isAnimationRunning = false; return; } // Animate! const sortedItem = document.getElementById(sorted-item-${counters.i}); const countingItem = document.getElementById( counting-item-${arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j][0]} ); // Remove selected from classList of previous counter array item if (counters.counterValue === -1) { const previousCountingItem = document.getElementById( counting-item-${arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j - 1][0]} ); previousCountingItem.classList.remove("selected"); counters.counterValue = null; } // Keep track of counter value while iterating if (counters.counterValue === null) { counters.counterValue = arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j][1]; countingItem.classList.add("selected"); } sortedItem.classList.add("selected"); sortedItem.textContent = arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j][0]; = setBackgroundColor( arrayGeneration.counts[counters.j][0] ); counters.i++; counters.counterValue--; if (counters.counterValue === 0) { // Reset counterValue and move to next cell in counting array counters.j++; counters.counterValue--; } sortingId = setTimeout(animateSortedArray, delay); }

function stopAnimation() { clearTimeout(countingId); clearTimeout(sortingId); }

function resetCounters() { counters.i = 0; counters.j = 0; counters.counterValue = null; }

rutherfn commented 5 years ago