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Fix AllowDynamicProperties attribute #222

Closed joshhanley closed 1 year ago

joshhanley commented 1 year ago

I've been digging into AllowDynamicProperties attribute to make Livewire's core compatible with 8.2 and was running into issues with Orchestra/TestBench, see here for details

Once Crynobone helped me fix that issue, I started testing out the AllowDynamicProperties attribute, but couldn't get it working to start with.

Turns out, it needs the backslash before the attribute name to work correctly #[\AllowDynamicProperties] when using on a class that is namespaced.

This makes sense to me now in hindsight but it tripped me up.

As such, this PR updates your article to add the backslash in as that would be the general use-case.

I've also found it's done the same way (without the backslash) in the PHP documentation example here

I've submitted a user contributed note to the PHP documentation.

So up to you whether to merge or not (or maybe we can make a note instead?). And whether you want to put a namespace before the example class or not.

Hope this helps!

brendt commented 1 year ago

Thanks, just a tip: an IDE would automatically tell you about these issues and fix them for you :)

joshhanley commented 1 year ago

No worries! 🙂 Yeah VSCode didn't register it for some reason 😕