brenocq / atta

Simulator for multi-robot systems
MIT License
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Automatic web link for published projects #20

Closed brenocq closed 2 years ago

brenocq commented 2 years ago

Feature description

After #17 it is possible to execute projects in the browser. It would be interesting to automatically generate a link to execute the latest version of a published project.

Steps to publish

  1. Create github repo, clone, program atta project
  2. Update comment (title, description, image link, web build link)
  3. atta --create-workflow-web-publisher
  4. atta --create-workflow-test-build (why not, right?)
  5. Push changes to github
  6. atta --publish (or manually create a issue in

Why readme comment? This is necessary because published projects receive a page like<user>/<repo>. The readme comment is parsed to display the project info in the page.

Where can I access the published project web build? The web build will be available at:<user>/<repo>/build

Big picture


Postponed to the future

Atta command helper

atta --create-workflow-web-publisher description

atta --create-workflow-test-build description

atta --publish description

Steps to create web publisher workflow

Google storage

  1. Create project
  2. Create bucket
  3. Create credentials
  4. Create credentials json key
  5. Add json key to github secrets