In 2020 Habbo started making crackables that support multi-item odds, to make it cheaper for users to craft specific furnis from furnilines.
How they work in a nutshell?
They work exactly like the crackables Morningstar has, but instead of returning singular items they return multiple If they are defined to do so.
I've attached an example image that Habbo had for Bubblejuice brewery in the bottom. I'll also be using it as an example.
How they should be handled between MS and Habbo
MS supports chances and singular items likewise:
How the structure would need to be changed in order for them to function like Habbo's ones:
Divide the amount of items with |. So itemid1|3 would refer to you receiving 3 of the specified item if the odds are in your favor.
Divide the items that you receive from the crackable with ,. So If you have multiple crackables with that specific odds, you'd use , to divide them. Itemid1,itemid2:100.
Few things to note If you decide to work on this
In order to not break the current crackable cycle:
If | is not mentioned in the crackable ID, it would need to be defaulted to 1.
If you receive more than 1 itemid in your opening, they would go to your inventory instead of on the ground (the way Habbo does it with multiples). So essentially If result contains , switch to inventory.
In GitLab by @ghost on Apr 4, 2022, 10:04
In 2020 Habbo started making crackables that support multi-item odds, to make it cheaper for users to craft specific furnis from furnilines.
How they work in a nutshell?
They work exactly like the crackables Morningstar has, but instead of returning singular items they return multiple If they are defined to do so.
I've attached an example image that Habbo had for Bubblejuice brewery in the bottom. I'll also be using it as an example.
How they should be handled between MS and Habbo
MS supports chances and singular items likewise:
How the structure would need to be changed in order for them to function like Habbo's ones:
Few things to note If you decide to work on this
In order to not break the current crackable cycle: