As of current revision (PRODUCTION16) fireworks function is no longer supported. Habbo changed it to support it better (AKA upon placedown automatically interaction mode 2), making it always loaded when done.
This used to work on some build of old Arcturus, however this is how it works now in MS. Left one is default, right one is 'fireworks'. You can see that it doesn't do anything, even though I clicked it multiple times.
In GitLab by @ghost on Apr 28, 2020, 23:17
As of current revision (PRODUCTION16) fireworks function is no longer supported. Habbo changed it to support it better (AKA upon placedown automatically interaction mode 2), making it always loaded when done.
This used to work on some build of old Arcturus, however this is how it works now in MS. Left one is default, right one is 'fireworks'. You can see that it doesn't do anything, even though I clicked it multiple times.
What to change?
Upon place down, it should be already at interaction count 2. Never 1. Once it has exploded (type 3), it should go back to type 2.