Open nyagoking opened 6 years ago
The result to which other JSHINT Relaxing options
were converted is below.
Given this JSHINT rules
"asi": true,
"boss": true,
"debug": true,
"elision": true,
"eqnull": true,
"evil": true,
"globalstrict": true,
"lastsemic": true,
"laxbreak": true,
"laxcomma": true,
"loopfunc": true,
"multistr": true,
"noyield": true,
"plusplus": true,
"proto": true,
"scripturl": true,
"sub": true,
"supernew": true,
"validthis": true,
"withstmt": true
Results in ESLint
"semi": [2, "always"],
"no-cond-assign": [2, "except-parens"],
"no-debugger": 2,
"no-sparse-arrays": 2,
"no-eq-null": 2,
"no-eval": 2,
"strict": [2, "global"],
"linebreak-style": 2,
"comma-style": [2, "last"],
"no-loop-func": 2,
"no-multi-str": 2,
"require-yield": 2,
"no-plusplus": 2,
"no-proto": 2,
"no-script-url": 2,
"dot-notation": 0,
"no-new-func": 2,
"no-new-wrappers": 2,
"no-invalid-this": 2,
"no-with": 2
Expected ESLint rules
"semi": 0,
"no-cond-assign": 0,
"no-debugger": 0,
"no-sparse-arrays": 0,
"no-eq-null": 0,
"no-eval": 0,
"strict": 0,
"linebreak-style": 0,
"comma-style": 0,
"no-loop-func": 0,
"no-multi-str": 0,
"require-yield": 0,
"no-plusplus": 0,
"no-proto": 0,
"no-script-url": 0,
"dot-notation": 0,
"no-new-func": 0,
"no-new-wrappers": 0,
"no-invalid-this": 0,
"no-with": 0
Only option "sub" was correctly converted, but others were not.
I found out that several options which suppresses warning are included in JSHINT Enforcing options
Given this JSHINT rules
"funcscope": true,
"iterator": true,
"notypeof": true,
"shadow": true
Results in ESLint
"block-scoped-var": 2,
"no-iterator": 2,
"valid-typeof": 2,
"no-shadow": 0
Expected ESLint rules
"block-scoped-var": 0,
"no-iterator": 0,
"valid-typeof": 0,
"no-shadow": 0
Options except "shadow" were not converted correctly.
Given this JSHINT rule:
Results in ESLint:
Expected ESLint rule:
Generally, JSHINT
Relaxing options
suppress warnings whentrue
is specified.