Open Stikus opened 3 years ago
I am getting the same error on an old H.P.C.
$ module avail mosdepth
$ lsb_release -a
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description: CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
Release: 6.10
Codename: Final
$ module load mosdepth
$ mosdepth -m testRun /rds/PRJ-HeadNeck/WholeGenome/alignments/
bam.nim(354) open
Error: unhandled exception: invalid bgzf file [ValueError]
Even with version 0.3.9 it is basically the same error.
$ ./mosdepth -m testRun /rds/PRJ-HeadNeck/WholeGenome/alignments/
bam.nim(390) open
Error: unhandled exception: invalid bgzf file [ValueError]
this likely means your bam file is truncated.
Yiykes. samtools quickcheck -v
shows that it is truncated.
Hello. When I ran
on our bam file I've got error which origin is fromhts-nim
- that's why I've created issue here. Here is my error:And here is output of
samtools view
picard's ValidateSamFiles
I'll try to recreate this bam, but our bioinformatics pipeline worked fine with this bam (various variant callers and HLA-typers) and
throws warning - not error. Maybehts-nim
should throw warning too? As you can see - the file is totally readable.