brentp / indelope

find large indels (in the blind spot between GATK/freebayes and SV callers)
MIT License
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could not load:, but in LD_LIBRARY_PATH #1

Open wdecoster opened 7 years ago

wdecoster commented 7 years ago


My usual CentOS6 server has an outdated so I have to use a more recent OS. Sysadmin told me this cannot be updated, unfortunately. Anyway, on the other server (CentOS7) I downloaded the binary and installed the using conda install htslib.

Since find ~ -name returns


I changed the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /home/wdecoster/anaconda3/lib/:/home/wdecoster/anaconda3/pkgs/htslib-1.6-0/lib/

Yet, when executing ./indelope -h I get:

could not load:
compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information

Did I mess up somewhere? I can install nim and try compiling with the suggested -d:nimDebugDlOpen flag, or what do you suggest?

Installation on my Ubuntu17.10 desktop does work.

Cheers, Wouter

brentp commented 7 years ago

you need to do: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/wdecoster/anaconda3/pkgs/htslib-1.6-0/lib/

not just set it.

wdecoster commented 7 years ago

That's what I did, more specifically, I added the following line in my ~/.bashrc (and sourced the file afterwards)

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/wdecoster/anaconda3/lib/:/home/wdecoster/anaconda3/pkgs/htslib-1.6-0/lib/"

Trying again, explicitly as you suggested:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/wdecoster/anaconda3/pkgs/htslib-1.6-0/lib/

could not load:
compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information
brentp commented 7 years ago

what does ls -lh $LD_LIBRARY_PATH show?

wdecoster commented 7 years ago

The files turn out to link to

total 1.9M
-rw-rw-r-- 2 wdecoster wdecoster 1.1M Oct 25 07:49 libhts.a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 wdecoster wdecoster   13 Nov 15 15:48 ->
-rw-rw-r-- 2 wdecoster wdecoster 838K Oct 25 07:49
lrwxrwxrwx 1 wdecoster wdecoster   13 Nov 15 15:48 ->
drwxrwxr-x 2 wdecoster wdecoster   23 Nov 15 15:47 pkgconfig

Does that look as expected? Should I try installing htslib without conda?

brentp commented 7 years ago

yes. I would try that. it's easy enough to build and then you just set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to the directory.

wdecoster commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that seems to do the trick:

tar xjf htslib-1.6.tar.bz2
cd htslib-1.6
./configure ~/bin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/wdecoster/htslib-1.6/

./indelope -h
indelope 0.0.1

  Usage: indelope [options] <reference> <BAM-or-CRAM>


  <reference>     reference fasta file.
  <BAM-or-CRAM>   call variants in this file.


  -m --min-reads <INT>        minimum number of reads to send for alignment [default: 3]
  -c --min-contig-len <INT>   minimum contig length to send for alignment [default: 73]
  -e --min-event-len <INT>    minimum size of indel to report [default: 4]
  -t --threads <INT>          number of cram/bam decompression threads [default: 1]
  -h --help                   show help

Would there be an "easy" way to solve the outdated issue on the other server? If not I'll have to talk to our sysadmin about fixing mounts etc to give me access to the data on the recent server...

To be more specific, this is the error on the older server:

$ indelope 
indelope: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by indelope)
brentp commented 7 years ago

so your troubles have highlighted the need for a binary for older systems. I am also fixing some severe (but shallow) bugs. How about you wait until next week and I'll make a binary for the older systems as well. I'd rather you use it successfully and report on substantial issues/features rather than test your patience with annoying issues like these.

wdecoster commented 7 years ago

That sounds great.

brentp commented 7 years ago

sorry for the delay. See my response here:

I'll be working on indelope again this week and hope to make good progress on accuracy and then I'll work on improving distribution/install.

wdecoster commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the update, I'll keep an eye on this repository.

fatcc commented 6 years ago

Hi, I tried to install mosdepth in a new created env with "conda install mosdepth", but the same error repeated appear as below.

$ mosdepth -h
could not load:
compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information

I tried to install manually and set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH for all found seperately, however, it didn't work.

$ find / -name ""


$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/cc/biosoft/htslib-1.7/ mosdepth -h
could not load:
compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen for more information

Is there any else method to solve it?

Thanks in advance.

Sincerely, cc

brentp commented 6 years ago

Hmm. Are you sure that is still there? What does ls $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ show?