Closed prasundutta87 closed 2 years ago
[slivar] Finished. evaluated 4162 total variants and wrote 4162 variants that passed your slivar expressions.
This means that you didn't use the --pass-only flag so all variants were written.
Can you show your pedigree file?
Sorry, I missed attaching that. Here it is now: ped.ped.txt
that seems ok.
so you have evaluated 4162 variants and none of them are de novo by the requirements in the segregating_denovo
function that you have modified.
Your VCF has a VAF
field that varies between 0 and 1?
Yes, my VCF has a VAF (variant allele fraction) field which is basically (alt reads)/(ref reads+alt reads) and it ranges from 0 to 1.
--pass-only worked and I do get an empty file (because there were no denovos in my vcf as per the function)
Just wondering on the difference between segregating_denovo and denovo? I am probably using them wrong. I am following the rare disease manual on this github page, but trying out simple functions first.
I also do a GQ based filtering on my VCF beforehand where any SVs where GQ > 20, their GTs are turned into missing. I am guessing that slivar filters SVs out too where there is any missing value in any one sample of a trio.
works on multi-generational families, but expects the de novo to be associated with the phenotype.
is for trios and only looks at inheritance pattern, not phenotype.
I was just wondering if I could be helped with slivar output. This is the command I am using to get denovo SVs from my trio VCF.
slivar expr --vcf input.vcf --ped ped.ped -o denovo.vcf --family-expr 'denovo:fam.every(segregating_denovo)' --js slivar-functions.js
I am getting these errors, rest are warnings:
[pedfile] parents referenced by other samples that were not present in pedigree file: Mother [slivar] 3 samples matched in VCF and PED to be evaluated
Finally, I got this message: [slivar] Finished. evaluated 4162 total variants and wrote 4162 variants that passed your slivar expressions. However, no denovo variants were detected. Is it something to do with '[pedfile] parents referenced by other samples that were not present in pedigree file: Mother' this message? I have attached my edited javascript file and ped file for your reference. slivar-functions.txt
Regards, Prasun