brentp / smoove

structural variant calling and genotyping with existing tools, but, smoothly.
Apache License 2.0
222 stars 21 forks source link

`--name` parameter does not work #227

Closed bounlu closed 10 months ago

bounlu commented 10 months ago

Here are my variables:



Here is my command line:

smoove call -x \
    --name LC_AC \
    --exclude $mount_dir/$out_dir/ref/exclude.cnvnator_100bp.GRCh38.20170403.bed \
    --fasta $mount_dir/genome.fa \
    --outdir $mount_dir/$out_dir/smoove \
    --genotype \
    --duphold \
    $mount_dir/$out_dir/biscuit/$normal_bam \

Here is the output:

$ ls -a smoove/
-rw-r--r-- 1 omeran omeran  32M Aug 17 21:42 .disc.bam.tmp.bam
-rw-r--r-- 1 omeran omeran 6.0K Aug 17 21:40 .histo
-rw-r--r-- 1 omeran omeran  22M Aug 17 21:42 .split.bam.tmp.bam
brentp commented 10 months ago

you'll need to have read groups with SM in your bams in order to use smoove. The --name only applies to the output, but smoove uses the readgroup sample name internally

bounlu commented 10 months ago

hmm, I do have read group but only with ID field. I will need to add SM then. it would be nice to have this documented somewhere. thanks.

bounlu commented 10 months ago

adding SM to @RG made it work. thanks again.