brentp / smoove

structural variant calling and genotyping with existing tools, but, smoothly.
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to open -: unknown file type, panic #233

Open lilymaya opened 7 months ago

lilymaya commented 7 months ago

Hi @brentp,

I am getting a strange error when I try to run smoove call:

[smoove] 2023/11/03 15:37:14 starting with version 0.1.9 [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:37:14 calculating bam stats for 1 bams [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:37:16 done calculating bam stats [smoove]: 2023/11/03 15:48:09 finished process: lumpy-filter (lumpy_filter -f Oed.genome.c) in user-time:1m31.88s system-time:12.34s [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 alignments out of 0 (NaN%) with depth > 800 or from excluded chroms from BZH_04.disc.bam in 0 seconds [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 alignments out of 0 (NaN%) that were bad interchromosomals or flanked-splitters from BZH_04.disc.bam [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 singletons out of 0 reads (NaN%) from BZH_04.disc.bam in 0 seconds [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 alignments out of 0 (NaN%) with depth > 800 or from excluded chroms from BZH_04.split.bam in 0 seconds [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 alignments out of 0 (NaN%) that were bad interchromosomals or flanked-splitters from BZH_04.split.bam [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 removed 0 singletons out of 0 reads (NaN%) from BZH_04.split.bam in 0 seconds [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 starting lumpy [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 wrote lumpy command to /home1/svcalling/lumpy/results-smoove/ [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 writing sorted, indexed file to /home1/svcalling/lumpy/results-smoove/BZH_04-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 excluding variants with all unknown or homozygous reference genotypes [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:10 > gsort version 0.0.6 [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:11 Calculating library metrics from /BZH_04_SS.bam... [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 done [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 Writing library metrics to /dev/shm/pbs.7263022[3].datarmor0/tempclean-988305349/086946291svtype-lib... [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 done [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 2023/11/03 15:48:15 EOF [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 Failed to open -: unknown file type [smoove] 2023/11/03 15:48:15 wrote sorted, indexed file to /home1/svcalling/lumpy/results-smoove/BZH_04-smoove.genotyped.vcf.gz panic: exit status 255

goroutine 1 [running]:, 0xc420282920) /home/brentp/go/src/ +0x4a, 0xc42000c110, 0x7fffffffe017, 0x5c, 0xc4200b5280, 0x1, 0x1, 0x7fffffffdfbe, 0x42, 0x7fffffffe008, ...) /home/brentp/go/src/ +0xbee /home/brentp/go/src/ +0x3fb main.main() /home/brentp/go/src/ +0x1dd

This error pops up for every individual file that I have. I have been scouring the Issues tab but I haven't found anything that matches this problem.

Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much in advance!

brentp commented 7 months ago

You file doesn't appear to have any split or discordant reads. Was it aligned with bwa mem? Is it paired end?

lilymaya commented 7 months ago

Yes and yes! Oops, is this an issue I have missed somewhere?

lilymaya commented 7 months ago

Hi @brentp, I have looked through the issues and I haven't been able to find a definitive answer, but from what I understand, I can align with BWA MEM but perhaps I shouldn't then filter these reads? Could you please confirm how to prep the input files? Thank you so much!

brentp commented 7 months ago

Align with bwa mem, mark duplicates, sort and index. Then send to smoove without filtering. They should be paired end reads.

lilymaya commented 7 months ago

Great, thank you so much for your help and quick reply! :)